SECTION 100-04: Noise, Vibration and Harshness
2014 Mustang Workshop Manual
Procedure revision date: 01/07/2013

Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH)

Special Tool(s)
Electronic Vibration Analyzer (EVA)
100-F027 (014-00344) or equivalent
107-R2100 or equivalent
107-R2102 or equivalent
Mastertech® Series MTS 4000 Driveline Balance and NVH Analyzer (Vetronix)
257-00018 or equivalent
Squeak and Rattle Repair Kit
Ultrasonic Leak Detector
134-R0135 or equivalent

Diagnostic Theory

The shortest route to an accurate diagnosis results from:

The diagnosis and correction of NVH symptoms requires:


Diagnostic Procedure Overview

Qualifying the symptom by the particular sensation present can help narrow down the cause. Always use the "symptom" to "system" to "component" to "cause" diagnosis technique. This diagnostic method divides the problem into related areas to correct the customer concern.


Tools and Techniques

The diagnostic tools allow for a systematic collection of information that is necessary to accurately diagnose and repair NVH problems. Remember that the vibrating source component (originator) may only generate a small vibration. This small vibration can in turn cause a larger vibration/noise to emanate from another receiving component (reactor), due to contact with other components (transfer path). For the best results, carry out the test as follows:

  1. Test drive the vehicle with the vibration sensor inside the vehicle.
  2. Place the sensor in the vehicle according to feel.
  3. Record the readings. Also note when the condition begins, when it reaches maximum intensity and if it tends to diminish above/below a certain speed.
  4. Place the vibration sensor on or near the suspect area outside the vehicle.
  5. Continue the road test, driving the vehicle at the speed the symptom occurs and take another reading.
  6. Compare the readings.

The following diagnostic tools and techniques can be used separately or in conjunction with each other to aid in the diagnosis of NVH symptoms. They are listed in order of preference for ease in their use for locating these symptoms.

NVH Analyzer (Vetronix)

The Mastertech® Series MTS 4000 Driveline Balance and NVH Analyzer (Vetronix) and the MTS 4100 NVH analyzers are tools to aid in the identification and isolation of a noise, vibration or harshness symptom in a vehicle. They measure noise and vibration data and compare it with data obtained from the vehicle's PCM as well as vehicle variants that were entered by the user such as pulley size, axle ratio and tire size in order to provide possible sources. The Mastertech® Series MTS 4000 Driveline Balance and NVH Analyzer (Vetronix) and the MTS 4100 have the following characteristics:

The Mastertech® Series MTS 4000 Driveline Balance and NVH Analyzer (Vetronix) and the MTS 4100 NVH analyzers have 4 main operating modes. The first is for vibration diagnosis. This mode measures data from 1 or 2 accelerometers simultaneously while obtaining data from the vehicle. Then it carries out a frequency analysis on the accelerometer information and compares the vibration frequencies with the frequencies associated with various rotating components within the vehicle. The data can be presented in 4 different display modes: principle component, bar chart, frequency spectrum or waterfall. All display mode formats contain the same common elements, such as amplitude.

The second is for noise diagnosis. This mode measures noise from 1 or 2 microphones simultaneously. All noise measurements are in decibels (dBs). All frequency bands used for noise measurements are the same as for the vibration measurements, up to 1,000 Hz.

The third is driveshaft balancing. Driveshaft balancing is done using 1 or 2 accelerometers and a photo-tachometer. The accelerometers measure the vibration at both ends of the driveshaft, while the photo-tachometer measures the rotation speed and position reference. Refer to Section 205-00 .

The fourth is the strobe. A strobe or standard timing light can be connected to an analyzer, to provide a means for measuring rotation speed. The strobe function is used for isolating the source of a vibration.

Electronic Vibration Analyzer (EVA)

The Electronic Vibration Analyzer (EVA) is a hand-held electronic scan tool which will assist in locating the source of unacceptable vibrations. The vibration sensor can be remotely mounted anywhere in the vehicle for testing purposes. The unit displays the 3 most common vibration frequencies and their corresponding amplitudes simultaneously. A bar graph provides a visual reference of the relative signal strength (amplitude) of each vibration being displayed and its relative G-force. The keypad is arranged to make the EVA simple to program and use. Some of the functions include the ability to average readings as well as record, play back and freeze readings. The EVA has a strobe balancing function that can be used to detect imbalance on rotating components such as a driveshaft or engine accessories.

Item Description
1 Electronic Vibration Analyzer (EVA) screen
2 Frequency mode displayed in rpm or Hz
3 Active sensor input (A or B)
4 Current active mode
5 G-force indicators or the strongest frequencies in descending strength of each vibration
6 Strength of each vibration
7 Frequency in rpm/Hz of each vibration

Record the readings taken with the diagnostic tool.

Vibrate Software®

Vibrate Software® (Rotunda tool number 215-00003) is a diagnostic aid which will assist in pinpointing the source of unacceptable vibrations. The engine's crankshaft is the point of reference for vibration diagnosis. Every rotating component will have an angular velocity that is faster, slower or the same as the engine's crankshaft. Vibrate Software® calculates the angular velocity of each component and graphically represents these velocities on a computer screen and on a printed vibration worksheet. The following steps outline how Vibrate Software® helps diagnose a vibration symptom:

Reed Tachometer

The Reed tachometer is a hand-held vibration sensor which will assist in locating the source of unacceptable vibrations. The vibration sensor can be placed anywhere in the vehicle for testing purposes. The Reed tachometer contains several reeds that are tuned to vibrate or resonate at different frequencies ranging from 10 to 80 Hz or 600 to 4,800 rpm. Though the Reed tachometer is able to measure multiple frequencies, it does not measure amplitude.


The Sirometer measures frequency in hertz and rpm. To use the Sirometer, place it on any vibrating component and slowly scroll the wire out by turning the knob. As the length of wire changes, so does its natural frequency. Find the length of wire that vibrates with the highest amplitude. This frequency will match that of the vibrating component. Read the frequency for that length of wire.

Combination EngineEAR/ChassisEAR

An electronic listening device used to quickly identify noise and the location under the chassis while the vehicle is being road tested. The ChassisEARs can identify the noise and location of damaged/worn wheel bearings, CV joints, brakes, springs, axle bearings or driveshaft carrier bearings.

EngineEAR Basic Unit

An electronic listening device used to detect even the faintest noises. The EngineEARs can detect the noise of damaged/worn bearings in generators, coolant pumps, A/C compressors and power steering pumps. They are also used to identify noisy lifters, exhaust manifold leaks, chipped gear teeth and for detecting wind noise. The EngineEAR has a sensing tip, amplifier and headphones. The directional sensing tip is used to listen to the various components. Point the sensing tip at the suspect component and adjust the volume with the amplifier. Placing the tip in direct contact with a component will reveal structure-borne noise and vibrations, generated by or passing through, the component. Various volume levels can reveal different sounds.

Mechanic's Stethoscope

A mechanic's stethoscope is an inexpensive tool for locating noises in engines and other moving parts. It can be used to help diagnose piston slap, worn gears, faulty valves, coolant pump failure, damaged gaskets, defective bearings and body squeaks.

Squeak and Rattle Repair Kit

The Squeak and Rattle Repair Kit (Rotunda tool number 164-R4900) contains lubricants and self-adhesive materials that can be used to eliminate interior and exterior squeaks and rattles. The kit consists of the following materials:

Ultrasonic Leak Detector

The Ultrasonic Leak Detector is used to detect wind noises caused by leaks and gaps in areas where there is weatherstripping or other sealing material. It is also used to identify A/C leaks, vacuum leaks and evaporative emission noises. The Ultrasonic Leak Detector includes a multi-directional transmitter (operating in the ultrasonic range) and a hand-held detector. The transmitter is placed inside the vehicle. On the outside of the vehicle, the hand-held detector is used to sweep the area of the suspected leak. As the source of the leak is approached, a beeping sound is produced which increases in both speed and frequency.


Write-Up Job Aid

To assist the service advisor and the technician, a Write-Up Job Aid used during the interview process is included with this material. The Write-Up Job Aid serves as a place to record all important symptom information.


1: Customer Interview

The diagnostic process starts with the customer interview. The service advisor must obtain as much information as possible about the symptom and take a test drive with the customer. There are many ways a customer will describe NVH symptoms and this will help minimize confusion arising from descriptive language differences. It is important that the symptom is correctly interpreted and the customer descriptions are recorded. During the interview, complete the write-up job aid and ask the following questions:

Use the information gained from the customer to accurately begin the diagnostic process.


2: Pre-Drive Check

It is important to do a pre-drive check before road testing the vehicle. A pre-drive check verifies that the vehicle is relatively safe to drive and eliminates any obvious faults on the vehicle.

The pre-drive check consists of a brief visual inspection. During this brief inspection, take note of anything that will compromise safety during the road test and make those repairs/adjustments before taking the vehicle on the road.


3: Preparing for the Road Test

Observe the following when preparing for the road test:


4: Verify the Customer Concern

Verify the customer concern by carrying out a road test, an engine run-up test or both.

The decision to carry out a road test, an engine run-up test or both depends on the type of NVH symptom. A road test may be necessary if the symptom relates to the suspension system or is sensitive to torque. A Drive Engine Run-Up (DERU) or a Neutral Engine Run-Up (NERU) test identifies noises and vibrations relating to engine and drivetrain rpm. Remember, a condition will not always be identifiable by carrying out these tests, however, they will eliminate many possibilities if carried out correctly.


5: Road Test

NOTE: It may be necessary to have the customer ride along or drive the vehicle to point out the symptom. During the road test, take into consideration the customer's driving habits and the driving conditions. The customer's concern just may be an acceptable operating condition for that vehicle.

The following is a brief overview of each test in the order in which it appears. A review of this information helps to quickly identify the most appropriate process necessary to make a successful diagnosis. After reviewing this information, select and carry out the appropriate test(s), proceeding to the next step of this process.


Slow Acceleration Test

To carry out this test, proceed as follows:


Heavy Acceleration Test

To carry out this test, proceed as follows:


Neutral Coast Down Speed Test

To carry out this test, proceed as follows:


Downshift Speed Test

To carry out this test, proceed as follows:


Steering Input Test

To carry out this test, proceed as follows:


Brake Test

To carry out this test, proceed as follows:


Road Test Over Bumps

To carry out this test, proceed as follows:


Neutral Engine Run-Up (NERU) Test

To carry out this test, proceed as follows:


Drive Engine Run-Up (DERU) Load Test

To carry out this test, proceed as follows:

 WARNING: Block all wheels, set the parking brake and firmly apply the service brake to reduce the risk of vehicle movement during this procedure. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious personal injury.

NOTICE: Do not carry out the Engine Load Test for more than 5 seconds or damage to the transmission or transaxle may result.


Engine Accessory Test

To carry out this test, proceed as follows:

 WARNING: Block all wheels, set the parking brake and firmly apply the service brake to reduce the risk of vehicle movement during this procedure. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious personal injury.

NOTICE: Limit engine running time to one minute or less with belts removed or serious engine damage will result.

NOTE: Use a frequency measurement tool to pinpoint accessory vibrations. A listening device, such as an EngineEAR, will also help to identify noises from specific accessories.


Vehicle Cold Soak Procedure

To carry out this procedure, proceed as follows:


Classify NVH Symptom

For NVH concerns, it is necessary to classify the customer's concern into one of the 3 categories: noise, vibration or harshness. The reason for this is that a customer concern may consist of a combination of symptoms involving noise and vibration, or vibration and harshness. In cases where there are combination symptoms, determine which diagnostic path to follow: noise, vibration or harshness. For example, if a customer has a concern involving a noise and a vibration, and it is determined that it is vehicle speed-related, follow the vibration diagnostic path.


Noise Symptoms

Once a symptom is classified as a noise, the particular conditions under which the noise occurs need to be identified. These conditions are identified and verified during the road test. For example, a noise may only occur while turning. The next step is to determine which systems on the vehicle are related to that condition. In this case, the steering system and wheel/tire system may be suspect. After identifying possible systems, a preliminary inspection of these systems should be done. If the source of noise is still unidentified, use a listening device (such as the ChassisEAR) to pinpoint the source. Once the source has been identified, determine if this source is related to the suspected system previously identified. If it is related, then complete the repair to resolve the customer concern. If it is unrelated, then it is possible that the source of the noise is a reactor to a noise being transmitted through a transfer path. If this is the case, repairing the reactor will not resolve the customer concern. The transfer path must be identified and a determination made if the noise is normal, but accentuated by the transfer path (conductor), or if the originator is the fault causing excessive noise to transfer to another component through a conductor. There is a relationship between systems identified as related to conditions and the noise transfer path. In some cases, the condition under which the noise occurs has nothing to do with the identified source. This relationship is important in the diagnosis of noise concerns. It is the first clue that the identified source of noise might be a reactor and that further investigation is needed to diagnose a possible noise transfer path concern. Based on the results from the road test, make a determination of which action in the symptom chart to take first.


Vibration Symptoms

Most vibrations consist of movements back and forth or up and down that repeat. Every time the vibrating component goes through its complete range of motion and returns to the starting point is called a cycle. The rate at which these cycles occur within a given time is called the frequency. Frequency is measured in cycles per second or Hertz (Hz). One cycle per second equals one Hz. Once the frequency of a vibration is known, calculations can be done to determine the system that is the source of the concern.


Order of Vibration

The order of a vibration refers to how often the vibration is present in one revolution of the component. For example, a vibration that is present once each revolution of a component would be a first order vibration. A vibration present twice each revolution of the component would be a second order vibration. Vibration orders do not have to be whole numbers, they can have decimal values such as 1.5 order vibration or 3.08 order vibration.

The concept of order of vibration is important to remember when the measured frequency of a vibration does not seem to match the frequency calculations of any of the likely systems or components. As the order increases, the frequency of the vibration will also increase by a multiple of that number.

For example, vibration may be present where the frequency is measured at 14 Hz. After doing the necessary calculations it is determined the first order tire and wheel frequency is 7 Hz and the first order driveshaft frequency is 22 Hz. Based on this information it can be determined the vibration is most likely a second order tire and wheel vibration: 7 Hz (first order tire and wheel frequency) multiplied by 2 (second order) equals 14 Hz (second order tire and wheel frequency).


Relationship of Vibration Frequency to Order of Vibration

After carrying out the road test as described in this section, the vibration was determined to be either vehicle-speed related or engine-speed related. That determination will identify the vibration frequency calculations that should be done.

Vibration Type Calculate
Vehicle-speed related Tire-speed vibration frequency

Driveshaft-speed vibration frequency
Engine-speed related Engine vibration frequency

Engine accessory vibration frequency

Engine firing vibration frequency

In calculating and using frequency readings, it is important to remember the direct relationship between Hz and rpm. One Hz is equal to 60 rpm. This is easy to remember; think of Hz as cycles per second. There are 60 seconds in a minute, therefore multiply Hz reading by 60 to get rpm. Conversely, divide rpm by 60 to get Hz.

Use the Frequency and RPM Calculations Worksheet to calculate system/component frequencies. The worksheet provides the necessary steps to determine each system/component group frequency.


Frequency Calculations


Calculating Tire and Wheel Frequency

For a vibration concern, use the vehicle speed to determine tire/wheel frequency and rpm. Calculate tire and wheel rpm and frequency by carrying out the following:

 Tire Speed and Frequency Chart

Tire Diameter Tire RPM/Hz Tire RPM/Hz Tire RPM/Hz Tire RPM/Hz
mm (in) @ 16 km/h (10 mph) @ 80 km/h (50 mph) @ 97 km/h (60 mph) @ 113 km/h

(70 mph)
483 (19) 182 910/15 1,092/18 1,274/21
508 (20) 173 865/14 1,038/17 1,211/20
533 (21) 165 825/14 990/16 1,155/19
560 (22) 158 790/13 948/16 1,106/18
585 (23) 151 755/13 906/15 1,057/18
610 (24) 145 725/12 870/14 1,015/17
635 (25) 139 695/12 834/14 973/16
660 (26) 134 670/11 804/13 938/16
685 (27) 129 645/11 774/13 903/15
710 (28) 124 620/10 744/12 868/14
735 (29) 119 595/10 714/12 833/14
760 (30) 115 575/10 690/11 805/13
785 (31) 111 555/9 666/11 777/13
810 (32) 108 540/9 648/11 756/13
835 (33) 105 525/9 630/10 735/12
864 (34) 102 510/8 612/10 714/12


Calculating Driveshaft Frequency

Knowing the tire and wheel frequency allows for easy calculation of driveshaft frequency. The driveshaft drives the tires through the rear axle. Therefore, to determine driveshaft frequency, multiply tire and wheel frequency by the ratio of the rear axle. Calculate driveshaft frequency by performing the following steps:

The calculated frequency of 21 Hz is the first order driveshaft frequency; the second order frequency of the driveshaft is twice this number, or 42 Hz; and so on.


Calculating Engine Frequency

Use the engine rpm where the vibration symptom occurs to determine engine frequency. Calculate engine frequency by dividing the engine rpm by 60 (the number of seconds in a minute). For example, if the corresponding engine rpm of a vibration concern on a vehicle is 2,400 rpm, the resulting engine frequency is 40 Hz. Therefore, a 40 Hz vibration is a first order engine vibration. For purposes of vibration diagnosis, the engine also includes the torque converter and exhaust system.


Calculating Engine Accessory Frequency

Belt-driven engine accessories often produce vibrations at different frequencies than the engine itself. This is because the drive ratio created by the different size pulleys causes them to rotate at different speeds. Determining engine accessory frequency is comparable to calculating driveshaft frequency.

Calculate engine accessory frequency by performing the following steps:


Calculating Engine Firing Frequency

Engine firing frequency is a term used to describe the pulses an engine creates from the firing of the cylinders. Engine firing frequency depends on how many cylinders an engine has. The number of times an engine fires a cylinder with each crankshaft revolution is equal to one-half the number of cylinders. A 4-cylinder engine fires 2 cylinders with each crankshaft revolution. Two revolutions of the crankshaft fire all 4 cylinders. A 6-cylinder engine fires 3 cylinders with each crankshaft revolution. An 8-cylinder engine fires 4 cylinders for each crankshaft revolution.

Calculate engine firing frequency by performing the following steps:


Frequency and RPM Calculations Worksheet


Harshness Symptoms

Harshness is customer perception which gives the impression of no isolation from the tire/wheel and suspension system. Harshness may be caused by road conditions, temperature changes, component damage and/or incorrect customer modifications on original components/specifications. Customers usually experience harshness when the vehicle is driving over bumps or potholes and in cold weather conditions. Harshness can also be experienced with excessive tire pressure, sporty tires, heavy-duty springs and shocks, or other vehicle modifications. Some aftermarket tires, even with the correct size, may change vehicle behavior and produce customer concerns. The first step in diagnosing a harshness concern is to determine if the concern was experienced only in certain specific operating conditions, such as large potholes or extremely cold weather. In these cases, harshness should be considered normal. A known good vehicle can be driven under the same conditions and the rides can be compared to determine whether the concern is normal or vehicle specific. The second step is to check tire pressure and make sure it was set within vehicle specifications. The third step is to inspect for aftermarket or modified components and determine if they are the cause of the harshness complaint. If the harshness concern persists after the above steps, it is possible that some components are damaged. Based on the results from the road test, make a determination of which action in the symptom chart to take first.


NVH Symptom Chart Categories

A good diagnostic process is a logical sequence of steps that lead to the identification of a causal system. Use the symptom and possible system categories as follows:

Use the diagnostic instructions in this section along with the necessary listed tools to identify the vibration order and to isolate the symptom and the possible systems associated with that symptom. Then based on the results from the road test, make a determination of which action in the symptom chart to take first. Since it is possible any one of multiple systems may be the cause of the symptom, it may be necessary to use a process of elimination type diagnostic approach to pinpoint the concern. Refer to the section(s) indicated to identify and isolate the cause or rule that system out as being the causal system for the symptom.


Vehicle-Speed Related Vibrations

NOTE: Any assembly that is out of balance will only cause a first order vibration, it will not cause a higher order vibration.

When a vehicle-speed related vibration is present, both tire-speed related vibration and driveshaft-speed related vibration calculations should be carried out.


Symptom Chart — Tire-Speed Related Vibrations

Symptom Chart — Tire-Speed Related Vibrations
Condition Possible Sources Action
  • First order tire vibration
  • Tire or wheel
    • Wheel bearings
      • Drive axle
        • Halfshaft
          • Brake rotor or drum
          • Second order tire vibration
          • Tire or wheel
          • Third order tire vibration
          • Tire or wheel
            • Drive axle
              • Driveshaft
                • Halfshaft

                Symptom Chart — Driveshaft-Speed Related Vibrations

                Symptom Chart — Driveshaft-Speed Related Vibrations

                NOTE: Any assembly that is out of balance will only cause a first order vibration, it will not cause a higher order vibration.

                Condition Possible Sources Action
                • First order driveshaft vibration
                • Driveshaft
                  • Rear drive axle/differential
                  • Second order driveshaft vibration
                  • U-joint
                    • Output shaft bushing in transmission/transaxle
                    • Refer to the appropriate section in Group 307 for the procedure. Refer to the appropriate section in Group 308 for the procedure. GO to the Symptom Chart in the appropriate section.
                    • Third order driveshaft vibration
                    • Rear drive axle/differential

                    Symptom Chart — Engine-Speed Related Vibrations

                    Symptom Chart — Engine-Speed Related Vibrations

                    NOTE: When an engine-speed related vibration is present, engine, engine accessory and engine firing calculations should be carried out.

                    NOTE: Any assembly that is out of balance will only cause a first order vibration, it will not cause a higher order vibration.

                    NOTE: Some engine-speed related vibrations are normal though they should not be felt in the passenger compartment.

                    Condition Possible Sources Action
                    • 0.5 order engine vibration
                    • Engine
                    • First through sixth order engine vibration
                    • Engine
                      • Transmission/transaxle
                      • Refer to the appropriate section in Group 307 for the procedure. Refer to the appropriate section in Group 308 for the procedure. GO to the Symptom Chart in the appropriate section.
                        • Engine mounts
                          • Transmission/transaxle mounts
                          • Refer to the appropriate section in Group 307 for the procedure. Refer to the appropriate section in Group 308 for the procedure. GO to the Symptom Chart in the appropriate section.
                            • Exhaust system
                            • Belt driven accessory speed vibration
                            • Engine pulley
                              • Coolant pump
                                • Generator
                                  • A/C compressor
                                    • Power steering pump
                                      • Vacuum pump
                                        • Accessory drive belt

                                        Symptom Chart — Noise, Air Leaks or Water Leaks

                                        Symptom Chart — Noise, Air Leaks or Water Leaks
                                        Condition Possible Sources Action
                                        • Wind noise, air or water leaks
                                        • Body
                                          • Roof opening panel
                                          • Belt driven accessory noise/squeal or chirping
                                          • Accessory drive belt
                                          • Pulleys
                                          • Front end noise while driving vehicle
                                          • Front suspension
                                            • Drive axle or differential
                                              • Brake system
                                                • Steering linkage or gear
                                                  • Transmission/transaxle
                                                  • Refer to the appropriate section in Group 307 for the procedure. Refer to the appropriate section in Group 308 for the procedure. GO to the Symptom Chart in the appropriate section.
                                                    • Engine
                                                      • Exhaust system
                                                        • Body
                                                        • Rear end noise while driving vehicle
                                                        • Rear suspension
                                                          • Drive axle or differential
                                                            • Brake system
                                                              • Transmission/transaxle
                                                              • Refer to the appropriate section in Group 307 for the procedure. Refer to the appropriate section in Group 308 for the procedure. GO to the Symptom Chart in the appropriate section.
                                                                • Exhaust system
                                                                  • Body
                                                                  • Noise with vehicle stopped
                                                                  • Engine
                                                                    • Transmission/transaxle
                                                                    • Refer to the appropriate section in Group 307 for the procedure. Refer to the appropriate section in Group 308 for the procedure. GO to the Symptom Chart in the appropriate section.
                                                                      • Exhaust system
                                                                        • Power steering pump
                                                                          • Generator
                                                                            • A/C compressor
                                                                              • Body

                                                                              Symptom Chart — Harshness

                                                                              Symptom Chart — Harshness
                                                                              Condition Possible Sources Action
                                                                              • Harsh vehicle ride
                                                                              • Front suspension
                                                                                • Rear suspension