// FFT #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const double PI = std::acos(-1); const std::complex i(0, 1); const double tolerance = 0.000001; using namespace std::complex_literals; /// CPU time clock class Timer { public: Timer(): mStart(std::clock()){} void start(){mStart = std::clock();} double elapsed() { return (double(std::clock()) - mStart) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; } static double precision() { static double result{0}; if (result != 0) return result; std::clock_t start = std::clock(); while (start == std::clock()) {} start = std::clock(); std::clock_t end = start; while (end == std::clock()) {} end = std::clock(); result = (double(end) - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; return result; } private: std::clock_t mStart; }; // (Slow) DFT std::vector> dft(const std::vector> &v) { std::vector> result(v.size(), 0); const double N = v.size(); for (int k = 0; k < v.size(); k++) { for (int j = 0; j < result.size(); j++) { result[k] += v[j] * std::exp(-i * 2. * PI * double(k * j) / N); } } return result; } std::vector freqs{ 2, 5, 11, 17, 29 }; // known freqs for testing void generate(std::vector>& v) { for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { v[i] = 0.; // sum several known sinusoids into v[] for(int j = 0; j < freqs.size(); j++) v[i] += sin(2 * M_PI * freqs[j] * i / v.size() ); } } namespace CooleyTukey { // separate even/odd elements to lower/upper halves of array respectively. // Due to Butterfly combinations, this turns out to be the simplest way // to get the job done without clobbering the wrong elements. void separate(std::vector>::iterator a, int n) { std::vector> b(n/2); for(int i=0; i>::iterator X, int N) { if(N < 2) { // bottom of recursion. // Do nothing here, because already X[0] = x[0] } else { separate(X,N); // all evens to lower half, all odds to upper half fft_recursive(X, N/2); // recurse even items fft_recursive(X+N/2, N/2); // recurse odd items // combine results of two half recursions for(int k=0; k e = X[k ]; // even std::complex o = X[k+N/2]; // odd // w is the "twiddle-factor" std::complex w = exp( std::complex(0,-2.*M_PI*k/N) ); X[k ] = e + w * o; X[k+N/2] = e - w * o; } } } // Cooley-Tukey std::vector> fft(const std::vector> &v) { std::vector> result(v); fft_recursive(std::begin(result), result.size()); return result; } }; // namespace CooleyTukey // FFT Roland Reichwein class RR { private: int mSize; std::vector order; std::vector> expLUT; public: RR(int size): mSize(size), order(size), expLUT(size/2) { // reorder LUT for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { order[i] = bitreverse(i); } // exp LUT for (int i = 0; i < size / 2; ++i) { expLUT[i] = exp(std::complex(0,-2.*M_PI*i/size)); } } std::vector> fft(const std::vector> &v) { if (v.size() != mSize) throw std::length_error("Bad input size"); std::vector> result; reorder(v, result); fft_recursive(std::begin(result), mSize); return result; } // TODO: option for only half FFT due to real redundancy private: int bitreverse(int i) { int size{mSize}; int result{0}; while (size > 1) { result <<= 1; result |= i & 1; i >>= 1; size >>= 1; } return result; } void reorder(const std::vector>& src, std::vector>& dst) { dst.resize(src.size()); for (int i = 0; i < mSize; ++i) { dst[order[i]] = src[i]; } } // N must be a power-of-2, or bad things will happen. // Currently no check for this condition. // // N input samples in X[] are FFT'd and results left in X[]. // Because of Nyquist theorem, N samples means // only first N/2 FFT results in X[] are the answer. // (upper half of X[] is a reflection with no new information). void fft_recursive(std::vector>::iterator X, int N) { if(N > 2) { fft_recursive(X, N/2); // recurse even items fft_recursive(X+N/2, N/2); // recurse odd items } // combine results of two half recursions for(int k=0; k e = X[k ]; // even std::complex o = X[k+N/2]; // odd // w is the "twiddle-factor" std::complex w = expLUT[k * mSize / N]; X[k ] = e + w * o; X[k+N/2] = e - w * o; } } }; // class RR class Measure { Timer mTimer; public: using Data = std::vector>; protected: Measure* mReference; // Reference measurement: we should calculate similar to this one and be faster than this one const Data& mIn; Data mResult; std::string mName; double mElapsed; public: Measure(const Data& in): mReference(nullptr), mIn(in), mResult(in.size()) {} virtual void run_impl() = 0; // implemented by subclasses void run() { mTimer.start(); run_impl(); mElapsed = mTimer.elapsed(); std::cout << mName << ": " << mElapsed << "s\n"; if (mReference) { if (mResult != mReference->mResult) { double diff = std::transform_reduce(std::begin(mReference->mResult), std::end(mReference->mResult), std::begin(mResult), double(0.0), [](const double& x, const double& y) -> double { return x + y;}, [](const std::complex& x, const std::complex&y) -> double { return abs(y - x);} ); if (diff > tolerance) std::cout << "Error: Results diff: " << diff << "\n"; } if (mElapsed > mReference->mElapsed) { std::cout << "Error: " << mName << " too slow!\n"; } } } double elapsed() { return mElapsed; } Data& result() { return mResult; } }; class MeasureDFT: public Measure { public: MeasureDFT(const Data& in): Measure(in){ mName = "DFT";} void run_impl() override { mResult = dft(mIn); } }; class MeasureFFT: public Measure { public: MeasureFFT(const Data& in, Measure& reference): Measure(in) { mName = "FFT Cooley-Tukey"; mReference = &reference;} void run_impl() override { mResult = CooleyTukey::fft(mIn); } }; class MeasureFFT_RR: public Measure { RR mRR; public: MeasureFFT_RR(const Data& in, Measure& reference): Measure(in), mRR(in.size()){ mName = "FFT RR"; mReference = &reference;} void run_impl() override { mResult = mRR.fft(mIn); } }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::vector> v(4096, 0); generate(v); std::cout << "Timer precision: " << Timer::precision() << "s\n"; MeasureDFT measureDFT(v); measureDFT.run(); MeasureFFT measureFFT(v, measureDFT); measureFFT.run(); MeasureFFT_RR measureFFT_RR(v, measureFFT); measureFFT_RR.run(); return 0; }