webbox for Debian ================= This package is implemented as a FastCGI application in Apache. After installing this package and its dependencies, the following directories are relevant: * Webbox FCGI Application directory: /usr/lib/webbox * Webbox HTML directory: /var/www/webbox This directory is part of the webbox package and contains all static contents to be served by apache as web UI interface of webbox. In an Apache configuration, this directory is specified as DocumentRoot or Alias. * Webbox directory(s): e.g. /home/webbox This directory or directories contain the actual contents to be served. It can be specified multiple times in an Apache configuration to implement several webboxes in one server. The contained files need to be owned by the www-data user. This directory is specified via the WEBBOX_PATH environment variable. File browser ------------ The file browser can be used via the URL http:/// where servername is the host name served as VirtualHost by Apache and is the Alias configured in the Apache configuration for the actual files (or DocumentRoot if no component is required). All files readable by the user www-data are served, except for hidden files (i.e. beginning with a "."). Environment Variables --------------------- The following environment variables are supported: WEBBOX_PATH Directory with the payload files to be served by a webbox. WEBBOX_NAME Title of the webbox. Will be written on top of the Web UI. WEBBOX_READONLY On|Off If present and set to On, the whole webbox will not provide write/changes to the contents of the box. Authentication -------------- There is currently no separate authentication implemented in webbox. Instead, the web browser's authentication can be used, e.g. <Directory "/usr/lib/webbox"> # ... AuthType Basic AuthName "Webbox" AuthUserFile "/etc/apache2/sites-available/mysite.htpasswd" Require valid-user </Directory> <Directory "/var/www/webbox"> AuthType Basic AuthName "Webbox" AuthUserFile "/etc/apache2/sites-available/mysite.htpasswd" Require valid-user </Directory> Add a login/password pair to the password file: # htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/sites-available/mysite.htpasswd username Remember to secure both the static web server path and the fastcgi application paths in the browser, i.e. /usr/lib/webbox and /var/www/webbox Example configuration for Apache -------------------------------- The following configuration can be included (and adjusted) in an Apache VirtualHost configuration: # Define the URL of the webbox served by the Apache server: # http://<servername>/testbox Alias /testbox /var/www/webbox <Directory "/var/www/webbox"> AuthType Basic AuthName "Webbox" AuthUserFile "/etc/apache2/sites-available/mysite.htpasswd" Require valid-user </Directory> # Actual location of files to be served FcgidInitialEnv WEBBOX_PATH /home/testbox # Title of the Webbox FcgidInitialEnv WEBBOX_NAME Testbox # Maximum transfer size supported is defined by this Fcgid parameter. # Note that the actual filesize will be smaller due to different # encoding schemes FcgidMaxRequestLen 100000000 # The following makes the FastCGI application part of Webbox available # to the user. The static HTML pages of webbox always access the # FastCGI part via http://<servername>/bin/ ScriptAlias /bin/ /usr/lib/webbox/ <Directory "/usr/lib/webbox"> SetHandler fcgid-script AllowOverride None Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch # Order allow,deny # Allow from all Require all granted AuthType Basic AuthName "Webbox" AuthUserFile "/etc/apache2/sites-available/mysite.htpasswd" Require valid-user </Directory> Contact ------- Reichwein IT <mail@reichwein.it>