
A web server software.




This web server is running the following reference domains:


This software is licensed via proprietary commercial contracts and BSD license.


Download is available from https://www.reichwein.it/download

Installation via Debian's APT mechanism is supported for the following operating systems: To prepare the APT configuration, add the respective line from the following choices to /etc/apt/sources.list:
# For Debian 11:
deb http://www.reichwein.it/debian/ stable debian11

# For Ubuntu 21.04:
deb http://www.reichwein.it/debian/ stable ubuntu2104

# For Ubuntu 21.10:
deb http://www.reichwein.it/debian/ stable ubuntu2110

The package reichwein-keyring helps apt to control cryptographic trust upon the packages. It can be manually installed from the above sources.

Then, the following commands (as root) will install the package webserver via the operating system's package mechanism:
# apt-get update
# apt-get install webserver
Afterwards, follow the instructions in /usr/share/doc/webserver/README.txt to configure the web server.

Source Code

Source code is available at https://www.reichwein.it/download

The git repository can be browsed at https://www.reichwein.it/cgit/webserver.git/ and cloned via:

$ git clone http://reichwein.it/git/webserver

For Debian-like systems, you can use the following APT configuration. Add the respective line from the following choices to /etc/apt/sources.list:

# For Debian 11:
deb-src http://www.reichwein.it/debian/ stable debian11

# For Ubuntu 21.04:
deb-src http://www.reichwein.it/debian/ stable ubuntu2104

# For Ubuntu 21.10:
deb-src http://www.reichwein.it/debian/ stable ubuntu2110


Roland Reichwein
Hauptstr. 101a
82008 Unterhaching