diff options
authorRoland Reichwein <>2020-02-04 21:21:39 +0100
committerRoland Reichwein <>2020-02-04 21:21:39 +0100
commit7b3c48e4b0fed9369f8d62854eb6e2453888fe75 (patch)
parentd99d80e862c2799d0dc9a567b710c7b05d6a47a4 (diff)
C++20 grammar
1 files changed, 1933 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cppbnf.cpp b/cppbnf.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5266fa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cppbnf.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1933 @@
+#include "bnf.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <utility>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <gmock/gmock.h>
+using namespace std::string_literals;
+namespace {
+ // "..." -> {".", ".", "."}
+ std::vector<std::string> vectorize(std::string s) {
+ std::vector<std::string> result;
+ std::for_each(s.begin(), s.end(), [&](const char c) {result.push_back(std::string( 1, c )); });
+ return result;
+ }
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_set<std::string>> reverseBNF(const T_BNF& bnf)
+ {
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_set<std::string>> result;
+ for (const auto& [symbol, lists] : bnf) {
+ for (const auto& list : lists) {
+ for (const auto& i : list) {
+ auto it = result.find(i);
+ if (it == result.end())
+ result.emplace(i, std::unordered_set<std::string>{symbol});
+ else
+ it->second.insert(symbol);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ bool isTerminal(const std::string& symbol, const T_BNF& bnf)
+ {
+ return bnf.find(symbol) == bnf.end();
+ }
+ size_t numberOfStartSymbols(const T_BNF& bnf)
+ {
+ // exactly 1 start symbol
+ std::vector<std::string> startSymbols;
+ auto reverse{ reverseBNF(bnf) };
+ for (const auto& [symbol, lists] : bnf) {
+ if (reverse.find(symbol) == reverse.end())
+ startSymbols.push_back(symbol);
+ }
+ if (startSymbols.size() > 1) {
+ std::cout << "Start symbols:" << std::endl;
+ for (const auto& i : startSymbols)
+ std::cout << " " << i << std::endl;
+ }
+ return startSymbols.size();
+ }
+ bool symbolsValid(const T_BNF& bnf)
+ {
+ for (const auto& [symbol, lists] : bnf) {
+ if (boost::contains(symbol, " ")) {
+ std::cerr << "Warning: Symbol " << symbol << " contains space." << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (const auto& list : lists) {
+ for (const auto& i : list) {
+ if (i.size() == 1 && !isTerminal(i, bnf)) {
+ std::cerr << "Warning: Non-Terminal symbol " << i << " in " << symbol << " is too long." << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (boost::contains(i, " ")) {
+ std::cerr << "Warning: Symbol " << i << " in " << symbol << " contains space." << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // returns 1 if exactly one start symbol and
+ // all nodes size > 1, except terminal symbols
+ bool valid(const T_BNF& bnf) {
+ return numberOfStartSymbols(bnf) == 1 && symbolsValid(bnf);
+ }
+ bool validLex(const T_BNF& bnf) {
+ // all terminal symbols exactly one character
+ for (const auto& [symbol, lists] : bnf) {
+ for (const auto& list : lists) {
+ for (const auto& i : list) {
+ if (i.size() != 1 && isTerminal(i, bnf)) {
+ std::cerr << "Warning: Terminal symbol in " << symbol << " is too long: "s << i << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ const std::string optionalMarker{"OPTIONAL:"};
+ std::string optional(const std::string& s)
+ {
+ return optionalMarker + s;
+ }
+ std::vector<std::string> all_except(const std::vector<std::string>& blacklist)
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> result;
+ for (char c = 0x20; c <= 0x7e; c++) {
+ std::string s{1, c};
+ if (std::find(blacklist.begin(), blacklist.end(), s) == blacklist.end())
+ result.push_back(s);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ bool containsOptional(const std::vector<std::string>& list)
+ {
+ return std::any_of(list.begin(), list.end(), [](const std::string& s) {return boost::starts_with(s, optionalMarker); });
+ }
+ std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> resolveOptional(const std::vector<std::string>& list)
+ {
+ std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> result{1, list};
+ while (std::find_if(result[0].begin(), result[0].end(), [](const std::string& s) {return boost::starts_with(s, optionalMarker); }) != result[0].end())
+ {
+ size_t size = result.size();
+ // remove from all entries (all have same OPTIONAL property) the OPTIONAL and append a version without this entry
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ std::vector<std::string> newList = result[i];
+ size_t index = std::find_if(result[i].begin(), result[i].end(), [](const std::string& s) {return boost::starts_with(s, optionalMarker); }) - result[i].begin();
+ auto& oldString = result[i][index];
+ oldString = oldString.substr(optionalMarker.size()); // Remove OPTIONAL marker inside old list
+ newList.erase(newList.begin() + index); // Add removed version of list
+ result.push_back(newList);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ void resolveOptional(std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>& lists)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < lists.size(); i++) {
+ if (containsOptional(lists[i])) {
+ auto insertList = resolveOptional(lists[i]);
+ // replace element i with new list
+ lists.erase(lists.begin() + i);
+ lists.insert(lists.begin() + i, insertList.begin(), insertList.end());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ T_BNF& normalizeBNF(T_BNF& bnf)
+ {
+ // resolve OPTIONAL symbols
+ for (auto& [symbol, lists] : bnf) {
+ resolveOptional(lists);
+ }
+ return bnf;
+ }
+ T_BNF& normalizeLexBNF(T_BNF& bnf)
+ {
+ normalizeBNF(bnf);
+ // vectorize terminal symbols
+ for (auto& [symbol, lists] : bnf) {
+ for (auto& list : lists) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
+ if (list[i].size() > 1 && isTerminal(list[i], bnf)) {
+ auto newList = vectorize(list[i]);
+ list.erase(list.begin() + i);
+ list.insert(list.begin() + i, newList.begin(), newList.end());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return bnf;
+ }
+} // namespace
+T_BNF GetCppBNFLex()
+ T_BNF bnf{
+ // [gram.lex]
+ {"hex-quad", {{"hexadecimal-digit", "hexadecimal-digit", "hexadecimal-digit", "hexadecimal-digit"}}},
+ {"universal-character-name", {
+ {"\\", "u", "hex-quad"},
+ {"\\", "U", "hex-quad", "hex-quad"}
+ }},
+ {"preprocessing-token", {
+ {"header-name"},
+ {"import-keyword"},
+ {"identifier"},
+ {"pp-number"},
+ {"character-literal"},
+ {"user-defined-character-literal"},
+ {"string-literal"},
+ {"user-defined-string-literal"},
+ {"preprocessing-op-or-punc"},
+ // + other non-whitespace: TODO
+ }},
+ {"token", { // lex -> gram
+ {"identifier"},
+ {"keyword"},
+ {"literal"},
+ {"OPERATOR"}, // conflict with keyword "operator"
+ {"punctuator"},
+ }},
+ {"header-name", {
+ {"<", "h-char-sequence", ">"},
+ {"\"", "q-char-sequence", "\""},
+ }},
+ {"h-char-sequence", {{"h-char"}, {"h-char-sequence", "h-char"}}},
+ {"h-char", {all_except({"\n", ">"})}},
+ {"q-char-sequence", {{"q-char"}, {"q-char-sequence", "q-char"}}},
+ {"q-char", {all_except({"\n", "\""})}},
+ {"pp-number", {
+ {"digit"},
+ {".", "digit"},
+ {"pp-number", "digit"},
+ {"pp-number", "identifier-nondigit"},
+ {"pp-number", "'", "digit"},
+ {"pp-number", "'", "nondigit"},
+ {"pp-number", "e", "sign"},
+ {"pp-number", "E", "sign"},
+ {"pp-number", "p", "sign"},
+ {"pp-number", "P", "sign"},
+ {"pp-number", "."},
+ }},
+ {"identifier", {
+ {"identifier-nondigit"},
+ {"identifier", "identifier-nondigit"},
+ {"identifier", "digit"},
+ }},
+ {"identifier-nondigit", {
+ {"nondigit"},
+ {"universal-character-name"},
+ }},
+ {"nondigit", {
+ {"a"}, {"b"}, {"c"}, {"d"}, {"e"}, {"f"}, {"g"}, {"h"}, {"i"}, {"j"}, {"k"}, {"l"}, {"m"},
+ {"n"}, {"o"}, {"p"}, {"q"}, {"r"}, {"s"}, {"t"}, {"u"}, {"v"}, {"w"}, {"x"}, {"y"}, {"z"},
+ {"A"}, {"B"}, {"C"}, {"D"}, {"E"}, {"F"}, {"G"}, {"H"}, {"I"}, {"J"}, {"K"}, {"L"}, {"M"},
+ {"N"}, {"O"}, {"P"}, {"Q"}, {"R"}, {"S"}, {"T"}, {"U"}, {"V"}, {"W"}, {"X"}, {"Y"}, {"Z"}, {"_"}
+ }},
+ {"digit", {{"0"},{"1"},{"2"},{"3"},{"4"},{"5"},{"6"},{"7"},{"8"},{"9"}}},
+ {"preprocessing-op-or-punc", {
+ {"{"}, {"}"}, {"["}, {"]"}, {"#"}, {"#", "#"}, {"("}, {")"},
+ {"<:"}, {":>"}, {"<%"}, {"%>"}, {"%:"}, {"%:%:"}, {";"}, {":"}, {"..."},
+ {"new"}, {"delete"}, {"?"}, {"::"}, {"."}, {".*"}, {"->"}, {"->*"}, {"~"},
+ {"!"}, {"+"}, {"-"}, {"*"}, {"/"}, {"%"}, {"^"}, {"&"}, {"|"},
+ {"="}, {"+="}, {"-="}, {"*="}, {"/="}, {"%="}, {"^="}, {"&="}, {"|="},
+ {"=="}, {"!="}, {"<"}, {">"}, {"<="}, {">="}, {"<=>"}, {"&&"}, {"||"},
+ {"<<"}, {">>"}, {"<<="}, {">>="}, {"++"}, {"--"}, {","},
+ {"and"}, {"or"}, {"xor"}, {"not"}, {"bitand"}, {"bitor"}, {"compl"},
+ {"and_eq"}, {"or_eq"}, {"xor_eq"}, {"not_eq"}
+ }},
+ {"literal", {
+ {"integer-literal"},
+ {"character-literal"},
+ {"floating-point-literal"},
+ {"string-literal"},
+ {"boolean-literal"},
+ {"pointer-literal"},
+ {"user-defined-literal"},
+ }},
+ {"integer-literal", {
+ {"binary-literal", optional("integer-suffix")},
+ {"octal-literal", optional("integer-suffix")},
+ {"decimal-literal", optional("integer-suffix")},
+ {"hexadecimal-literal", optional("integer-suffix")},
+ }},
+ { "binary-literal", {
+ {"0b", "binary-digit"},
+ {"0B", "binary-digit"},
+ {"binary-literal", optional("'"), "binary-digit"},
+ }},
+ { "octal-literal", {
+ {"0"},
+ {"octal-literal", optional("'"), "octal-digit"}
+ } },
+ { "decimal-literal", {
+ {"nonzero-digit"},
+ {"decimal-literal", optional("'"), "digit"},
+ } },
+ { "hexadecimal-literal", {
+ {"hexadecimal-prefix", "hexadecimal-digit-sequence"},
+ } },
+ { "binary-digit", {{"0"}, {"1"}} },
+ { "octal-digit", {{"0"},{"1"},{"2"},{"3"},{"4"},{"5"},{"6"},{"7"}} },
+ { "nonzero-digit", {{"1"},{"2"},{"3"},{"4"},{"5"},{"6"},{"7"},{"8"},{"9"}} },
+ { "hexadecimal-prefix", {{"0x"}, {"0X"}} },
+ { "hexadecimal-digit-sequence", {
+ {"hexadecimal-digit"},
+ {"hexadecimal-digit-sequence", optional("'"), "dexadecimal-digit"},
+ } },
+ { "hexadecimal-digit", {
+ {"0"},{"1"},{"2"},{"3"},{"4"},{"5"},{"6"},{"7"},{"8"},{"9"},
+ {"a"},{"b"},{"c"},{"d"},{"e"},{"f"},
+ {"A"},{"B"},{"C"},{"D"},{"E"},{"F"}
+ } },
+ { "integer-suffix", {
+ {"unsigned-suffix", optional("long-suffix")},
+ {"unsigned-suffix", optional("long-long-suffix")},
+ {"long-suffix", optional("unsigned-suffix")},
+ {"long-long-suffix", optional("unsigned-suffix")},
+ } },
+ { "unsigned-suffix", {{"u"}, {"U"}} },
+ { "long-suffix", {{"l"}, {"L"}} },
+ { "long-long-suffix", {{"ll"}, {"LL"}} },
+ { "character-literal", {{optional("encoding-prefix"), "'", "c-char-sequence", "'"}} },
+ { "encoding-prefix", {{"u8"}, {"u"}, {"U"}, {"L"}} },
+ { "c-char-sequence", {
+ {"c-char"},
+ {"c-char-sequence", "c-char"},
+ } },
+ { "c-char", {
+ all_except({"'", "\\", "\n"}),
+ {"escape-sequence"},
+ {"universal-character-name"},
+ } },
+ { "escape-sequence", {
+ {"simple-escape-sequence"},
+ {"octal-escape-sequence"},
+ {"hexadecimal-escape-sequence"},
+ } },
+ { "simple-escape-sequence", {{"\\'"},{"\\\""},{"\\?"},{"\\\\"},{"\\a"},{"\\b"},{"\\f"},{"\\n"},{"\\r"},{"\\t"},{"\\v"},} },
+ { "octal-escape-sequence", {
+ {"\\", "octal-digit"},
+ {"\\", "octal-digit", "octal-digit"},
+ {"\\", "octal-digit", "octal-digit", "octal-digit"},
+ } },
+ { "hexadecimal-escape-sequence", {
+ {"\\x", "hexadecimal-digit"},
+ {"hexadecimal-escape-sequence", "hexadecimal-digit"}
+ } },
+ { "floating-point-literal", {
+ {"decimal-floating-point-literal"},
+ {"hexadecimal-floating-point-literal"}
+ } },
+ { "decimal-floating-point-literal", {
+ {"fractional-constant", optional("exponent-part"), optional("floating-point-suffix")},
+ {"digit-sequence", "exponent-part", optional("floating-point-suffix")},
+ } },
+ { "hexadecimal-floating-point-literal", {
+ {"hexadecimal-prefix", "hexadecimal-fractional-constant", "binary-exponent-part", optional("floating-point-suffix")},
+ {"hexadecimal-prefix", "hexadecimal-digit-sequence", "binary-exponent-part", optional("floating-point-suffix")},
+ } },
+ { "fractional-constant", {
+ {optional("digit-sequence"), ".", "digit-sequence"},
+ {"digit-sequence", "."},
+ } },
+ { "hexadecimal-fractional-constant", {
+ {optional("hexadecimal-digit-sequence"),".","hexadecimal-digit-sequence"},
+ {"hexadecimal-digit-sequence", "."},
+ } },
+ { "exponent-part", {
+ {"e", optional("sign"), "digit-sequence"},
+ {"E", optional("sign"), "digit-sequence"}
+ } },
+ { "binary-exponent-part", {
+ {"p", optional("sign"), "digit-sequence"},
+ {"P", optional("sign"), "digit-sequence"}
+ } },
+ { "sign", {{"+"}, {"-"}} },
+ { "digit-sequence", {
+ {"digit"},
+ {"digit-sequence", optional("'"), "digit"},
+ } },
+ { "floating-point-suffix", {{"f"},{"l"},{"F"},{"L"}} },
+ { "string-literal", {
+ {optional("encoding-prefix"), "\"" , optional("s-char-sequence"), "\"" },
+ {optional("encoding-prefix"), "R", "raw-string"},
+ } },
+ { "s-char-sequence", {
+ {"s-char"},
+ {"s-char-sequence", "s-char"}
+ } },
+ { "s-char", {
+ all_except({"\"", "\\", "\n"}),
+ {"escape-sequence"},
+ {"universal-character-name"},
+ } },
+ { "raw-string", {
+ {"\"", optional("d-char-sequence"), "(", optional("r-char-sequence"), ")", optional("d-char-sequence"), "\"" },
+ } },
+ { "r-char-sequence", {
+ {"r-char"},
+ {"r-char-sequence", "r-char"}
+ } },
+ { "r-char", {
+ all_except({")"}), // TODO: actually: non-match from "raw-string" above: ")", optional("d-char-sequence"), "\""
+ } },
+ { "d-char-sequence", {
+ {"d-char"},
+ {"d-char-sequence", "d-char"}
+ } },
+ { "d-char", {
+ all_except({" ", "(", ")", "\\", "\t", "\v", "\f", "\n"}),
+ } },
+ { "boolean-literal", {{"true"}, {"false"}} },
+ { "pointer-literal", {{"nullptr"}} },
+ { "user-defined-literal", {
+ {"user-defined-integer-literal"},
+ {"user-defined-floating-point-literal"},
+ {"user-defined-string-literal"},
+ {"user-defined-character-literal"},
+ } },
+ { "user-defined-integer-literal", {
+ {"decimal-literal", "ud-suffix"},
+ {"octal-literal", "ud-suffix"},
+ {"hexadecimal-literal", "ud-suffix"},
+ {"binary-literal", "ud-suffix"},
+ } },
+ { "user-defined-floating-point-literal", {
+ {"fractional-constant", optional("exponent-part"), "ud-suffix"},
+ {"digit-sequence", "exponent-part", "ud-suffix"},
+ {"hexadecimal-prefix", "hexadecimal-fractional-constant", "binary-exponent-part", "ud-suffix"},
+ {"hexadecimal-prefix", "hexadecimal-digit-sequence", "binary-exponent-part", "ud-suffix"},
+ } },
+ { "user-defined-string-literal", {
+ {"string-literal", "ud-suffix"},
+ } },
+ { "user-defined-character-literal", {
+ {"character-literal", "ud-suffix"},
+ } },
+ { "ud-suffix", {{"identifier"}} },
+ };
+ return normalizeLexBNF(bnf);
+T_BNF GetCppBNFGram()
+ T_BNF bnf{
+ // [gram.key]
+ {"typedef-name", {{"identifier"}, {"simple-template-id"}}},
+ {"namespace-name", {{"identifier"}, {"namespace-alias"}}},
+ {"namespace-alias", {{"identifier"}}},
+ {"class-name", {{"identifier"}, {"simple-template-id"}}},
+ {"enum-name", {{"identifier"}}},
+ {"template-name", {{"identifier"}}},
+ // [gram.basic]
+ {"translation-unit", {
+ {optional("top-level-declaration-seq")},
+ {optional("global-module-fragment"), "module-declaration", optional("top-level-declaration-seq"), optional("private-module-fragment")},
+ }},
+ {"top-level-declaration-seq", {
+ {"top-level-declaration"},
+ {"top-level-declaration-seq", "top-level-declaration"},
+ }},
+ {"top-level-declaration", {
+ {"module-import-declaration"},
+ {"declaration"},
+ }},
+ // [gram.expr]
+ {"primary-expression", {
+ {"literal"},
+ {"this"},
+ {"(", "expression", ")"},
+ {"id-expression"},
+ {"lambda-expression"},
+ {"fold-expression"},
+ {"requires-expression"},
+ }},
+ {"id-expression", {
+ {"unqualified-id"},
+ {"qualified-id"},
+ }},
+ {"unqualified-id", {
+ {"identifier"},
+ {"operator-function-id"},
+ {"conversion-function-id"},
+ {"literal-operator-id"},
+ {"~", "type-specified"},
+ {"~", "decltype-specifier"},
+ {"template-id"},
+ }},
+ {"qualified-id", {{"nested-name-specifier", optional("template"), "unqualified-id"}}},
+ {"nested-name-specifier", {
+ {"::"},
+ {"type-name", "::"},
+ {"namespace-name", "::"},
+ {"decltype-specifier", "::"},
+ {"nested-name-specifier", "identifier", "::"},
+ {"nested-name-specifier", optional("template"), "simple-template-id", "::"},
+ }},
+ {"lambda-expression", {
+ {"lambda-introducer", optional("lambda-declarator"), "compound-statement"},
+ {"lambda-introducer", "<", "template-parameter-list", ">", optional("requires-clause"), optional("lambda-declarator"), "compound-statement"},
+ }},
+ {"lambda-introducer", {{"[", optional("lambda-capture"), "]"}}},
+ {"lambda-capture", {
+ {"capture-default"},
+ {"capture-list"},
+ {"capture-default", ",", "capture-list"},
+ }},
+ {"capture-default", {{"&"}, {"="}}},
+ {"capture-list", {
+ {"capture"},
+ {"capture-list", ",", "capture"}
+ }},
+ {"capture", {
+ {"simple-capture", optional("...")},
+ {optional("..."), "init-capture"},
+ }},
+ {"simple-capture", {
+ {"identifier"},
+ {"&", "identifier"},
+ {"this"},
+ {"*", "this"},
+ }},
+ {"init-capture", {
+ {"identifier", "initializer"},
+ {"&", "identifier", "initializer"},
+ }},
+ {"fold-expression", {
+ {"(", "cast-expression", "fold-operator", ")"},
+ {"(", "...", "fold-operator", "cast-expression", ")"},
+ {"(", "cast-expression", "fold-operator", "...", "fold-operator", "cast-expression", ")"},
+ }},
+ {"fold-operator", {
+ {"+"}, {"-"}, {"*"}, {"/"}, {"%"}, {"^"}, {"&"}, {"|"}, {"<<"}, {">>"},
+ {"+="}, {"-="}, {"*="}, {"/="}, {"%="}, {"^="}, {"&="}, {"|="}, {"<<="}, {">>="},
+ {"=="}, {"!="}, {"<"}, {">"}, {"<="}, {">="}, {"&&"}, {"||"}, {","}, {".*"}, {"->*"},
+ }},
+ {"requires-expression", {
+ {"requires", optional("requirement-parameter-list"), "requirement-body"}
+ }},
+ {"requirement-parameter-list", {
+ {"(", optional("parameter-declaration-clause"), ")"}
+ }},
+ {"requirement-body", {
+ {"{", "requirement-seq", "}",}
+ }},
+ { "requirement-seq", {
+ {"requirement"},
+ {"requirement-seq", "requirement"},
+ }},
+ { "requirement", {
+ {"simple-requirement"},
+ {"type-requirement"},
+ {"compound-requirement"},
+ {"nested-requirement"},
+ } },
+ { "simple-requirement", {{"expression", ";"}} },
+ { "type-requirement", {{"typename", optional("nested-name-specifier"), "type-name", ";"}} },
+ { "compound-requirement", {{"{", "expression", "}", optional("noexcept"), optional("return-type-requirement"), ";"}} },
+ { "return-type-requirement", {{"->", "type-constraint"}} },
+ { "nested-requirement", {{"requires", "constraint-expression", ";"}} },
+ { "postfix-expression", {
+ {"primary-expression"},
+ {"postfix-expression", "[", "expr-or-braced-init-list", "]"},
+ {"postfix-expression", "(", optional("expression-list"), ")"},
+ {"simple-type-specifier", "(", optional("expression-list"), ")"},
+ {"typename-specifier", "(", optional("expression-list"), ")"},
+ {"simple-type-specifier", "braced-init-list"},
+ {"typename-specifier", "braced-init-list"},
+ {"postfix-expression", ".", optional("template"), "id-expression"},
+ {"postfix-expression", "->", optional("template"), "id-expression"},
+ {"postfix-expression", "++"},
+ {"postfix-expression", "--"},
+ {"dynamic_cast", "<", "type-id", ">", "(", "expression", ")"},
+ {"static-cast", "<", "type-id", ">", "(", "expression", ")"},
+ {"reinterpret-cast", "<", "type-id", ">", "(", "expression", ")"},
+ {"const_cast", "<", "type-id", ">", "(", "expression", ")"},
+ {"typeid", "(", "expression", ")"},
+ {"typeid", "(", "type-id", ")"},
+ } },
+ { "expression-list", {{"initializer-list"}} },
+ { "unary-expression", {
+ {"postfix-expression"},
+ {"unary-operator", "cast-expression"},
+ {"++", "cast-expression"},
+ {"--", "cast-expression"},
+ {"await-expression"},
+ {"sizeof", "unary-expression"},
+ {"sizeof", "(", "type-id", ")"},
+ {"sizeof", "...", "(", "identifier", ")"},
+ {"alignof", "(", "type-id", ")"},
+ {"noexcept-expression"},
+ {"new-expression"},
+ {"delete-expression"},
+ } },
+ { "unary-operator", {{"*"}, {"&"}, {"+"}, {"-"}, {"!"}, {"~"} } },
+ { "await-expression", {{"co_await", "cast-expression"}} },
+ { "noexcept-expression", {{"noexcept", "(", "expression", ")"}} },
+ { "new-expression", {
+ {optional("::"), "new", optional("new-placement"), "new-type-id", optional("new-initializer")},
+ {optional("::"), "new", optional("new-placement"), "(", "type-id", ")", optional("new-initializer")},
+ } },
+ { "new-placement", {{"(", "expression-list", ")"}} },
+ { "new-type-id", {{"type-specifier-seq", optional("new-declarator")}} },
+ { "new-declarator", {
+ {"ptr-operator", optional("new-declarator")},
+ {"noptr-new-declarator"},
+ } },
+ { "noptr-new-declarator", {
+ {"[", optional("expression"), "]", optional("attribute-specifier-seq")},
+ {"noptr-new-declarator", "[", "constant-expression", "]" , optional("attribute-specifier-seq")},
+ } },
+ { "new-initializer", {
+ {"(", optional("expression-list"), ")"},
+ {"braced-init-list"},
+ } },
+ { "delete-expression", {
+ {optional("::"), "delete", "cast-expression"},
+ {optional("::"), "delete", "[", "]", "cast-expression"},
+ } },
+ { "cast-expression", {
+ {"unary-expression"},
+ {"(", "type-id", ")", "cast-expression"},
+ } },
+ { "pm-expression", {
+ {"cast-expression"},
+ {"pm-expression", ".*", "cast-expression"},
+ {"pm-expression", "->*", "cast-expression"},
+ } },
+ { "multiplicative-expression", {
+ {"pm-expression"},
+ {"multiplicative-expression", "*", "pm-expression"},
+ {"multiplicative-expression", "/", "pm-expression"},
+ {"multiplicative-expression", "%", "pm-expression"},
+ } },
+ { "additive-expression", {
+ {"multiplicative-expression"},
+ {"additive-expression", "+", "multiplicative-expression"},
+ {"additive-expression", "-", "multiplicative-expression"},
+ } },
+ { "shift-expression", {
+ {"additive-expression"},
+ {"shift-expression", "<<", "additive-expression"},
+ {"shift-expression", ">>", "additive-expression"},
+ } },
+ { "compare-expression", {
+ {"shift-expression"},
+ {"compare-expression", "<=>", "shift-expression"}
+ } },
+ { "relational-expression", {
+ {"compare-expression"},
+ {"relational-expression", "<", "compare-expression"},
+ {"relational-expression", ">", "compare-expression"},
+ {"relational-expression", "<=", "compare-expression"},
+ {"relational-expression", ">=", "compare-expression"},
+ } },
+ { "equality-expression", {
+ {"relational-expression"},
+ {"equality-expression", "==", "relational-expression"},
+ {"equality-expression", "!=", "relational-expression"},
+ } },
+ { "and-expression", {
+ {"equality-expression"},
+ {"and-expression", "&", "equality-expression"},
+ } },
+ { "exclusive-or-expression", {
+ {"and-expression"},
+ {"exclusive-or-expression", "^", "and-expression"},
+ } },
+ { "inclusive-or-expression", {
+ {"exclusive-or-expression"},
+ {"inclusive-or-expression", "|", "exclusive-or-expression"},
+ } },
+ { "logical-and-expression", {
+ {"inclusive-or-expression"},
+ {"logical-and-expression", "&&", "inclusive-or-expression"}
+ } },
+ { "logical-or-expression", {
+ {"logical-and-expression"},
+ {"logical-or-expression", "||", "logical-and-expression"},
+ } },
+ { "conditional-expression", {
+ {"logical-or-expression"},
+ {"logical-or-expression", "?", "expression", ":", "assignment-expression"},
+ } },
+ { "yield-expression", {
+ {"co_yield", "assignment-expression"},
+ {"co_yield", "braced-init-list"}
+ } },
+ { "throw-expression", {{"throw", optional("assignment-expression")}} },
+ { "assignment-expression", {
+ {"conditional-expression"},
+ {"yield-expression"},
+ {"throw-expression"},
+ {"logical-or-expression", "assignment-operator", "initializer-clause"},
+ } },
+ { "assignment-operator", {{"="}, {"*="}, {"/="}, {"%="}, {"+="}, {"-="}, {">>="}, {"<<="}, {"&="}, {"^="}, {"|="}} },
+ { "expression", {
+ {"assignment-expression"},
+ {"expression", ",", "assignment-expression"},
+ } },
+ { "constant-expression", {{"conditional-expression"}} },
+ // [gram.stmt]
+ { "statement", {
+ {"labeled-statement"},
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "expression-statement"},
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "compound-statement"},
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "selection-statement"},
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "iteration-statement"},
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "jump-statement"},
+ {"declaration-statement"},
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "try-block"},
+ } },
+ { "init-statement", {
+ {"expression-statement"},
+ {"simple-declaration"},
+ } },
+ { "condition", {
+ {"expression"},
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "decl-specifier-seq", "declarator", "brace-or-equal-initializer"},
+ } },
+ { "labeled-statement", {
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "identifier", ":", "statement"},
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "case", "constant-expression", ":", "statement"},
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "default", ":", "statement"},
+ } },
+ { "expression-statement", {
+ {optional("expression"), ";"}
+ } },
+ { "compound-statement", {
+ {"{", optional("statement-seq"), "}"}
+ } },
+ { "statement-seq", {
+ {"statement"},
+ {"statement-seq statement"},
+ } },
+ { "selection-statement", {
+ {"if", optional("constexpr"), "(", optional("init-statement"), "condition", ")", "statement"},
+ {"if", optional("constexpr"), "(", optional("init-statement"), "condition", ")", "statement", "else", "statement"},
+ {"switch", "(", optional("init-statement"), "condition", ")", "statement"},
+ } },
+ { "iteration-statement", {
+ {"while", "(", "condition", ")", "statement"},
+ {"do", "statement", "while", "(", "expression", ")", ";"},
+ {"for", "(", "init-statement", optional("condition"), ";", optional("expression"), ")", "statement"},
+ {"for", "(", optional("init-statement"), "for-range-declaration", ":", "for-range-initializer", ")", "statement"},
+ } },
+ { "for-range-declaration", {
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "decl-specifier-seq", "declarator"},
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "decl-specifier-seq", optional("ref-qualifier"), "[", "identifier-list", "]"},
+ } },
+ { "for-range-initializer", {
+ {"expr-or-braced-init-list"},
+ } },
+ { "jump-statement", {
+ {"break", ";"},
+ {"continue", ";"},
+ {"return", optional("expr-or-braced-init-list"), ";"},
+ {"coroutine-return-statement"},
+ {"goto", "identifier", ";"},
+ } },
+ { "coroutine-return-statement", {
+ {"co_return", optional("expr-or-braced-init-list"), ";"},
+ } },
+ { "declaration-statement", { {"block-declaration"} } },
+ // [gram.dcl]
+ { "declaration-seq", {
+ {"declaration"},
+ {"declaration-seq declaration"},
+ } },
+ {"declaration", {
+ {"block-declaration"},
+ {"nodeclspec-function-declaration"},
+ {"function-definition"},
+ {"template-declaration"},
+ {"deduction-guide"},
+ {"explicit-instantiation"},
+ {"explicit-specialization"},
+ {"export-declaration"},
+ {"linkage-specification"},
+ {"namespace-definition"},
+ {"empty-declaration"},
+ {"attribute-declaration"},
+ }},
+ { "block-declaration", {
+ {"simple-declaration"},
+ {"asm-declaration"},
+ {"namespace-alias-definition"},
+ {"using-declaration"},
+ {"using-enum-declaration"},
+ {"using-directive"},
+ {"static_assert-declaration"},
+ {"alias-declaration"},
+ {"opaque-enum-declaration"},
+ } },
+ { "nodeclspec-function-declaration", {
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "declarator", ";"},
+ } },
+ { "alias-declaration", {
+ {"using", "identifier", optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "=", "defining-type-id", ";"},
+ } },
+ { "simple-declaration", {
+ {"decl-specifier-seq", optional("init-declarator-list"), ";"},
+ {"attribute-specifier-seq", "decl-specifier-seq", "init-declarator-list", ";"},
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "decl-specifier-seq", optional("ref-qualifier"), "[", "identifier-list", "]", "initializer", ";"},
+ } },
+ { "static_assert-declaration", {
+ {"static_assert", "(", "constant-expression", ")", ";"},
+ {"static_assert", "(", "constant-expression", ",", "string-literal", ")", ";"},
+ } },
+ { "empty-declaration", {
+ {";"},
+ } },
+ { "attribute-declaration", {
+ {"attribute-specifier-seq", ";"},
+ } },
+ { "decl-specifier", {
+ {"storage-class-specifier"},
+ {"defining-type-specifier"},
+ {"function-specifier"},
+ {"friend"},
+ {"typedef"},
+ {"constexpr"},
+ {"consteval"},
+ {"constinit"},
+ {"inline"},
+ } },
+ { "decl-specifier-seq", {
+ {"decl-specifier", optional("attribute-specifier-seq")},
+ {"decl-specifier", "decl-specifier-seq"},
+ } },
+ { "storage-class-specifier", {
+ {"static"},
+ {"thread_local"},
+ {"extern"},
+ {"mutable"},
+ } },
+ { "function-specifier", {
+ {"virtual"},
+ {"explicit-specifier"},
+ } },
+ { "explicit-specifier", {
+ {"explicit", "(", "constant-expression", ")"},
+ {"explicit"},
+ } },
+ { "typedef-name", {
+ {"identifier"},
+ {"simple-template-id"},
+ } },
+ { "type-specifier", {
+ {"simple-type-specifier"},
+ {"elaborated-type-specifier"},
+ {"typename-specifier"},
+ {"cv-qualifier"},
+ } },
+ { "type-specifier-seq", {
+ {"type-specifier", optional("attribute-specifier-seq")},
+ {"type-specifier", "type-specifier-seq"},
+ } },
+ { "defining-type-specifier", {
+ {"type-specifier"},
+ {"class-specifier"},
+ {"enum-specifier"},
+ } },
+ { "defining-type-specifier-seq", {
+ {"defining-type-specifier", optional("attribute-specifier-seq")},
+ {"defining-type-specifier", "defining-type-specifier-seq"},
+ } },
+ { "simple-type-specifier", {
+ {optional("nested-name-specifier"), "type-name"},
+ {"nested-name-specifier", "template", "simple-template-id"},
+ {"decltype-specifier"},
+ {"placeholder-type-specifier"},
+ {optional("nested-name-specifier"), "template-name"},
+ {"char"},
+ {"char8_t"},
+ {"char16_t"},
+ {"char32_t"},
+ {"wchar_t"},
+ {"bool"},
+ {"short"},
+ {"int"},
+ {"long"},
+ {"signed"},
+ {"unsigned"},
+ {"float"},
+ {"double"},
+ {"void"},
+ } },
+ { "type-name", {
+ {"class-name"},
+ {"enum-name"},
+ {"typedef-name"},
+ } },
+ { "elaborated-type-specifier", {
+ {"class-key", optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), optional("nested-name-specifier"), "identifier"},
+ {"class-key", "simple-template-id"},
+ {"class-key", "nested-name-specifier", optional("template"), "simple-template-id"},
+ {"elaborated-enum-specifier"},
+ } },
+ { "elaborated-enum-specifier", {
+ {"enum", optional("nested-name-specifier"), "identifier"},
+ } },
+ { "decltype-specifier", {
+ {"decltype", "(", "expression", ")"},
+ } },
+ { "placeholder-type-specifier", {
+ {optional("type-constraint"), "auto"},
+ {optional("type-constraint"), "decltype", "(", "auto", ")"},
+ } },
+ { "init-declarator-list", {
+ {"init-declarator"},
+ {"init-declarator-list", ",", "init-declarator"},
+ } },
+ { "init-declarator", {
+ {"declarator", optional("initializer")},
+ {"declarator", "requires-clause"},
+ } },
+ { "declarator", {
+ {"ptr-declarator"},
+ {"noptr-declarator", "parameters-and-qualifiers", "trailing-return-type"},
+ } },
+ { "ptr-declarator", {
+ {"noptr-declarator"},
+ {"ptr-operator", "ptr-declarator"},
+ } },
+ { "noptr-declarator", {
+ {"declarator-id", optional("attribute-specifier-seq")},
+ {"noptr-declarator", "parameters-and-qualifiers"},
+ {"noptr-declarator", "[", optional("constant-expression"), "]", optional("attribute-specifier-seq")},
+ {"(", "ptr-declarator", ")"},
+ } },
+ { "parameters-and-qualifiers", {
+ {"(", "parameter-declaration-clause", ")", optional("cv-qualifier-seq"),
+ optional("ref-qualifier"), optional("noexcept-specifier"), optional("attribute-specifier-seq")},
+ } },
+ { "trailing-return-type", {
+ {"->", "type-id"},
+ } },
+ { "ptr-operator", {
+ {"*", optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), optional("cv-qualifier-seq")},
+ {"&", optional("attribute-specifier-seq")},
+ {"&&", optional("attribute-specifier-seq")},
+ {"nested-name-specifier", "*", optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), optional("cv-qualifier-seq")},
+ } },
+ { "cv-qualifier-seq", {
+ {"cv-qualifier", optional("cv-qualifier-seq")},
+ } },
+ { "cv-qualifier", {
+ {"const"},
+ {"volatile"},
+ } },
+ { "ref-qualifier", {
+ {"&"}, {"&&"},
+ } },
+ { "declarator-id", {
+ {optional("..."), "id-expression"},
+ } },
+ { "type-id", {
+ {"type-specifier-seq", optional("abstract-declarator")},
+ } },
+ { "defining-type-id", {
+ {"defining-type-specifier-seq", optional("abstract-declarator")},
+ } },
+ { "abstract-declarator", {
+ {"ptr-abstract-declarator"},
+ {optional("noptr-abstract-declarator"), "parameters-and-qualifiers", "trailing-return-type"},
+ {"abstract-pack-declarator"},
+ } },
+ { "ptr-abstract-declarator", {
+ {"noptr-abstract-declarator"},
+ {"ptr-operator", optional("ptr-abstract-declarator")},
+ } },
+ { "noptr-abstract-declarator", {
+ {optional("noptr-abstract-declarator"), "parameters-and-qualifiers"},
+ {optional("noptr-abstract-declarator"), "[", optional("constant-expression"), "]", optional("attribute-specifier-seq")},
+ {"(", "ptr-abstract-declarator", ")"},
+ } },
+ { "abstract-pack-declarator", {
+ {"noptr-abstract-pack-declarator"},
+ {"ptr-operator", "abstract-pack-declarator"},
+ } },
+ { "noptr-abstract-pack-declarator", {
+ {"noptr-abstract-pack-declarator", "parameters-and-qualifiers"},
+ {"noptr-abstract-pack-declarator", "[", optional("constant-expression"), "]", optional("attribute-specifier-seq")},
+ {"..."},
+ } },
+ { "parameter-declaration-clause", {
+ {optional("parameter-declaration-list"), optional("...")},
+ {"parameter-declaration-list", ",", "..."},
+ } },
+ { "parameter-declaration-list", {
+ {"parameter-declaration"},
+ {"parameter-declaration-list", ",", "parameter-declaration"},
+ } },
+ { "parameter-declaration", {
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "decl-specifier-seq", "declarator"},
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "decl-specifier-seq", "declarator", "initializer-clause"},
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "decl-specifier-seq", optional("abstract-declarator")},
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "decl-specifier-seq", optional("abstract-declarator"), "=", "initializer-clause"},
+ } },
+ { "initializer", {
+ {"brace-or-equal-initializer"},
+ {"(", "expression-list", ")"},
+ } },
+ { "brace-or-equal-initializer", {
+ {"=", "initializer-clause"},
+ {"braced-init-list"},
+ } },
+ { "initializer-clause", {
+ {"assignment-expression"},
+ {"braced-init-list"},
+ } },
+ { "braced-init-list", {
+ {"{", "initializer-list", optional(","), "}"},
+ {"{", "designated-initializer-list", optional(","), "}"},
+ {"{", "}"},
+ } },
+ { "initializer-list", {
+ {"initializer-clause", optional("...")},
+ {"initializer-list", ",", "initializer-clause", optional("...")},
+ } },
+ { "designated-initializer-list", {
+ {"designated-initializer-clause"},
+ {"designated-initializer-list", ",", "designated-initializer-clause"},
+ } },
+ { "designated-initializer-clause", {
+ {"designator", "brace-or-equal-initializer"},
+ } },
+ { "designator", {
+ {".", "identifier"},
+ } },
+ { "expr-or-braced-init-list", {
+ {"expression"},
+ {"braced-init-list"},
+ } },
+ { "function-definition", {
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), optional("decl-specifier-seq"), "declarator", optional("virt-specifier-seq"), "function-body"},
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), optional("decl-specifier-seq"), "declarator", "requires-clause", "function-body"},
+ } },
+ { "function-body", {
+ {optional("ctor-initializer"), "compound-statement"},
+ {"function-try-block"},
+ {"=", "default", ";"},
+ {"=", "delete", ";"},
+ } },
+ { "enum-name", {
+ {"identifier"},
+ } },
+ { "enum-specifier", {
+ {"enum-head", "{", optional("enumerator-list"), "}"},
+ {"enum-head", "{", "enumerator-list", ",", "}"},
+ } },
+ { "enum-head", {
+ {"enum-key", optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), optional("enum-head-name"), optional("enum-base")},
+ } },
+ { "enum-head-name", {
+ {optional("nested-name-specifier"), "identifier"},
+ } },
+ { "opaque-enum-declaration", {
+ {"enum-key", optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "enum-head-name", optional("enum-base"), ";"},
+ } },
+ { "enum-key", {
+ {"enum"},
+ {"enum", "class"},
+ {"enum", "struct"},
+ } },
+ { "enum-base", {
+ {":", "type-specifier-seq"},
+ } },
+ { "enumerator-list", {
+ {"enumerator-definition"},
+ {"enumerator-list", ",", "enumerator-definition"},
+ }},
+ { "enumerator-definition", {
+ {"enumerator"},
+ {"enumerator", "=", "constant-expression"},
+ } },
+ { "enumerator", {
+ {"identifier", optional("attribute-specifier-seq")},
+ } },
+ { "using-enum-declaration", {
+ {"using", "elaborated-enum-specifier", ";"},
+ } },
+ { "namespace-name", {
+ {"identifier"},
+ {"namespace-alias"},
+ } },
+ { "namespace-definition", {
+ {"named-namespace-definition"},
+ {"unnamed-namespace-definition"},
+ {"nested-namespace-definition"},
+ }},
+ { "named-namespace-definition", {
+ {optional("inline"), "namespace", optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "identifier", "{", "namespace-body", "}"},
+ } },
+ { "unnamed-namespace-definition", {
+ {optional("inline"), "namespace", optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "{", "namespace-body", "}"},
+ } },
+ { "nested-namespace-definition", {
+ {"namespace", "enclosing-namespace-specifier", "::", optional("inline"), "identifier", "{", "namespace-body", "}"},
+ } },
+ { "enclosing-namespace-specifier", {
+ {"identifier"},
+ {"enclosing-namespace-specifier", "::", optional("inline"), "identifier"},
+ } },
+ { "namespace-body", {
+ {optional("declaration-seq")},
+ } },
+ { "namespace-alias", {
+ {"identifier"},
+ } },
+ { "namespace-alias-definition", {
+ {"namespace", "identifier", "=", "qualified-namespace-specifier", ";"},
+ } },
+ { "qualified-namespace-specifier", {
+ {optional("nested-name-specifier"), "namespace-name"},
+ } },
+ { "using-directive", {
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "using", "namespace", optional("nested-name-specifier"), "namespace-name", ";"},
+ } },
+ { "using-declaration", {
+ {"using", "using-declarator-list", ";"},
+ } },
+ { "using-declarator-list", {
+ {"using-declarator", optional("...")},
+ {"using-declarator-list", ",", "using-declarator", optional("...")},
+ } },
+ { "using-declarator", {
+ {optional("typename"), "nested-name-specifier", "unqualified-id"},
+ } },
+ { "asm-declaration", {
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "asm", "(", "string-literal", ")", ";"},
+ } },
+ { "linkage-specification", {
+ {"extern", "string-literal", "{", optional("declaration-seq"), "}"},
+ {"extern", "string-literal", "declaration"},
+ } },
+ { "attribute-specifier-seq", {
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "attribute-specifier"},
+ } },
+ { "attribute-specifier", {
+ {"[", "[", optional("attribute-using-prefix"), "attribute-list", "]", "]"},
+ {"alignment-specifier"},
+ } },
+ { "alignment-specifier", {
+ {"alignas", "(", "type-id", optional("..."), ")"},
+ {"alignas", "(", "constant-expression", optional("..."), ")"},
+ } },
+ { "attribute-using-prefix", {
+ {"using", "attribute-namespace", ":"},
+ } },
+ { "attribute-list", {
+ {optional("attribute")},
+ {"attribute-list", ",", optional("attribute")},
+ {"attribute", "..."},
+ {"attribute-list", ",", "attribute", "..."},
+ } },
+ { "attribute", {
+ {"attribute-token", optional("attribute-argument-clause")},
+ } },
+ { "attribute-token", {
+ {"identifier"},
+ {"attribute-scoped-token"},
+ } },
+ { "attribute-scoped-token", {
+ {"attribute-namespace", "::", "identifier"},
+ } },
+ { "attribute-namespace", {
+ {"identifier"},
+ } },
+ { "attribute-argument-clause", {
+ {"(", optional("balanced-token-seq"), ")"},
+ } },
+ { "balanced-token-seq", {
+ {"balanced-token"},
+ {"balanced-token-seq", "balanced-token"},
+ } },
+ { "balanced-token", {
+ {"(", optional("balanced-token-seq"), ")"},
+ {"[", optional("balanced-token-seq"), "]"},
+ {"{", optional("balanced-token-seq"), "}"},
+ all_except({"(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}",}),
+ }},
+ // [gram.module]
+ { "module-declaration", {
+ {optional("export"), "module", "module-name", optional("module-partition"), optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), ";"},
+ } },
+ { "module-name", {
+ {optional("module-name-qualifier"), "identifier"},
+ } },
+ { "module-partition", {
+ {":", optional("module-name-qualifier"), "identifier"},
+ } },
+ { "module-name-qualifier", {
+ {"identifier", "."},
+ {"module-name-qualifier", "identifier", "."},
+ } },
+ { "export-declaration", {
+ {"export", "declaration"},
+ {"export", "{", optional("declaration-seq"), "}"},
+ } },
+ { "module-import-declaration", {
+ {optional("export"), "import-keyword", "module-name", optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), ";"},
+ {optional("export"), "import-keyword", "module-partition", optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), ";"},
+ {optional("export"), "import-keyword", "header-name", optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), ";"},
+ } },
+ { "global-module-fragment", {
+ {"module", ";", optional("top-level-declaration-seq")},
+ } },
+ { "private-module-fragment", {
+ {"module", ":", "private", ";", optional("top-level-declaration-seq")},
+ } },
+ // [gram.class]
+ { "class-name", {
+ {"identifier"},
+ {"simple-template-id"},
+ } },
+ { "class-specifier", {
+ {"class-head", "{", optional("member-specification"), "}"},
+ } },
+ { "class-head", {
+ {"class-key", optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "class-head-name", optional("class-virt-specifier"), optional("base-clause")},
+ {"class-key", optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), optional("base-clause")},
+ } },
+ { "class-head-name", {
+ {optional("nested-name-specifier"), "class-name"},
+ } },
+ { "class-virt-specifier", {
+ {"final"},
+ } },
+ { "class-key", {
+ {"class"},
+ {"struct"},
+ {"union"},
+ } },
+ { "member-specification", {
+ {"member-declaration", optional("member-specification")},
+ {"access-specifier", ":", optional("member-specification")},
+ } },
+ { "member-declaration", {
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), optional("decl-specifier-seq"), optional("member-declarator-list"), ";"},
+ {"function-definition"},
+ {"using-declaration"},
+ {"using-enum-declaration"},
+ {"static_assert-declaration"},
+ {"template-declaration"},
+ {"deduction-guide"},
+ {"alias-declaration"},
+ {"opaque-enum-declaration"},
+ {"empty-declaration"},
+ } },
+ { "member-declarator-list", {
+ {"member-declarator"},
+ {"member-declarator-list", ",", "member-declarator"},
+ } },
+ { "member-declarator", {
+ {"declarator", optional("virt-specifier-seq"), optional("pure-specifier")},
+ {"declarator", "requires-clause"},
+ {"declarator", optional("brace-or-equal-initializer")},
+ {optional("identifier"), optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), ":", "constant-expression", optional("brace-or-equal-initializer")},
+ } },
+ { "virt-specifier-seq", {
+ {"virt-specifier"},
+ {"virt-specifier-seq", "virt-specifier"},
+ } },
+ { "virt-specifier", {
+ {"override"},
+ {"final"},
+ } },
+ { "pure-specifier", {
+ {"=", "0"},
+ } },
+ { "conversion-function-id", {
+ {"operator", "conversion-type-id"},
+ } },
+ { "conversion-type-id", {
+ {"type-specifier-seq", optional("conversion-declarator")},
+ } },
+ { "conversion-declarator", {
+ {"ptr-operator", optional("conversion-declarator")},
+ } },
+ { "base-clause", {
+ {":", "base-specfier-list"},
+ } },
+ { "base-specfier-list", {
+ {"base-specifier", optional("...")},
+ {"base-specifier-list", ",", "base-specifier", optional("...")},
+ } },
+ { "base-specifier", {
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "class-or-decltype"},
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "virtual", optional("access-specifier"), "class-or-decltype"},
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "access-specifier", optional("virtual"), "class-or-decltype"},
+ } },
+ { "class-or-decltype", {
+ {optional("nested-name-specifier"), "type-name"},
+ {"nested-name-specifier", "template", "simple-template-id"},
+ {"decltype-specifier"},
+ } },
+ { "access-specifier", {
+ {"private"},
+ {"protected"},
+ {"public"},
+ } },
+ { "ctor-initializer", {
+ {":", "mem-initializer-list"},
+ } },
+ { "mem-initializer-list", {
+ {"mem-initializer", optional("...")},
+ {"mem-initializer-list", ",", "mem-initializer", optional("...")},
+ } },
+ { "mem-initializer", {
+ {"mem-initializer-id", "(", optional("expression-list"), ")"},
+ {"mem-initializer-id", "braced-init-list"},
+ } },
+ { "mem-initializer-id", {
+ {"class-or-decltype"},
+ {"identifier"},
+ } },
+ // [gram.over]
+ { "operator-function-id", {
+ {"operator", "OPERATOR"},
+ } },
+ { "OPERATOR", {
+ {"new"}, {"delete"}, {"new[]"}, {"delete[]"}, {"co_await()[]"}, {"->"}, {"->*"},
+ {"~"}, {"!"}, {"+"}, {"-"}, {"*"}, {"/"}, {"%"}, {"^"}, {"&"},
+ {"|"}, {"="}, {"+="}, {"-="}, {"*="}, {"/="}, {"%="}, {"^="}, {"&="},
+ {"|="}, {"=="}, {"!="}, {"<"}, {">"}, {"<="}, {">="}, {"<=>"}, {"&&"},
+ {"||"}, {"<<"}, {">>"}, {"<<="}, {">>="}, {"++"}, {"--"}, {","},
+ } },
+ { "literal-operator-id", {
+ {"operator", "string-literal", "identifier"},
+ {"operator", "user-defined-string-literal"},
+ } },
+ // [gram.temp]
+ { "template-declaration", {
+ {"template-head", "declaration"},
+ {"template-head", "concept-definition"},
+ } },
+ { "template-head", {
+ {"template", "<", "template-parameter-list", ">", optional("requires-clause")},
+ } },
+ { "template-parameter-list", {
+ {"template-parameter"},
+ {"template-parameter-list", ",", "template-parameter"},
+ } },
+ { "requires-clause", {
+ {"requires", "constraint-logical-or-expression"},
+ } },
+ { "constraint-logical-or-expression", {
+ {"constraint-logical-and-expression"},
+ {"constraint-logical-or-expression", "||", "constraint-logical-and-expression"},
+ } },
+ { "constraint-logical-and-expression", {
+ {"primary-expression"},
+ {"constraint-logical-and-expression", "&&", "primary-expression"},
+ } },
+ { "template-parameter", {
+ {"type-parameter"},
+ {"parameter-declaration"},
+ } },
+ { "type-parameter", {
+ {"type-parameter-key", optional("..."), optional("identifier")},
+ {"type-parameter-key", optional("identifier"), "=", "type-id"},
+ {"type-constraint", optional("...") ,optional("identifier")},
+ {"type-constraint", optional("identifier"), "=", "type-id"},
+ {"template-head type-parameter-key", optional("..."), optional("identifier")},
+ {"template-head type-parameter-key", optional("identifier"), "=", "id-expression"},
+ } },
+ { "type-parameter-key", {
+ {"class"},
+ {"typename"},
+ } },
+ { "type-constraint", {
+ {optional("nested-name-specifier"), "concept-name"},
+ {optional("nested-name-specifier"), "concept-name", "<", optional("template-argument-list"), ">"},
+ } },
+ { "simple-template-id", {
+ {"template-name", "<", optional("template-argument-list"), ">"},
+ } },
+ { "template-id", {
+ {"simple-template-id"},
+ {"operator-function-id", "<", optional("template-argument-list"), ">"},
+ {"literal-operator-id" , "<", optional("template-argument-list"), ">"},
+ } },
+ { "template-name", {
+ {"identifier"},
+ } },
+ { "template-argument-list", {
+ {"template-argument", optional("...")},
+ {"template-argument-list", ",", "template-argument", optional("...")},
+ } },
+ { "template-argument", {
+ {"constant-expression"},
+ {"type-id"},
+ {"id-expression"},
+ } },
+ { "constraint-expression", {
+ {"logical-or-expression"},
+ } },
+ { "deduction-guide", {
+ {optional("explicit-specifier"), "template-name", "(", "parameter-declaration-clause", ")", "->", "simple-template-id", ";"},
+ } },
+ { "concept-definition", {
+ {"concept", "concept-name", "=", "constraint-expression", ";"},
+ } },
+ { "concept-name", {
+ {"identifier"},
+ } },
+ { "typename-specifier", {
+ {"typename", "nested-name-specifier", "identifier"},
+ {"typename", "nested-name-specifier", optional("template"), "simple-template-id"},
+ } },
+ { "explicit-instantiation", {
+ {optional("extern"), "template", "declaration"},
+ } },
+ { "explicit-specialization", {
+ {"template", "<", ">", "declaration"},
+ } },
+ // [gram.except]
+ { "try-block", {
+ {"try", "compound-statement", "handler-seq"},
+ } },
+ { "function-try-block", {
+ {"try", optional("ctor-initializer"), "compound-statement", "handler-seq"},
+ } },
+ { "handler-seq", {
+ {"handler", optional("handler-seq")},
+ } },
+ { "handler", {
+ {"catch", "(", "exception-declaration", ")", "compound-statement"},
+ } },
+ { "exception-declaration", {
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "type-specifier-seq", "declarator"},
+ {optional("attribute-specifier-seq"), "type-specifier-seq", optional("abstract-declarator")},
+ {"..."},
+ } },
+ { "noexcept-specifier", {
+ {"noexcept", "(", "constant-expression", ")"},
+ {"noexcept"},
+ } },
+ // [gram.cpp]
+ { "preprocessing-file", {
+ {optional("group")},
+ } },
+ { "group", {
+ {"group-part"},
+ {"group", "group-part"},
+ } },
+ { "group-part", {
+ {"control-line"},
+ {"if-section"},
+ {"text-line"},
+ {"#", "conditionally-supported-directive"},
+ } },
+ { "control-line", {
+ {"#", "include", "pp-tokens", "new-line"},
+ {optional("export"), "import", "pp-tokens", "new-line"},
+ {"#", "define", "identifier", "replacement-list", "new-line"},
+ {"#", "define", "identifier", "lparen", optional("identifier-list"), ")", "replacement-list", "new-line"},
+ {"#", "define", "identifier", "lparen", "...", ")", "replacement-list", "new-line"},
+ {"#", "define", "identifier", "lparen", "identifier-list", ",", "...", ")", "replacement-list", "new-line"},
+ {"#", "undef", "identifier", "new-line"},
+ {"#", "line", "pp-tokens", "new-line"},
+ {"#", "error", optional("pp-tokens"), "new-line"},
+ {"#", "pragma", optional("pp-tokens"), "new-line"},
+ {"#", "new-line"},
+ } },
+ { "if-section", {
+ {"if-group", optional("elif-groups"), optional("else-group"), "endif-line"},
+ } },
+ { "if-group", {
+ {"#", "if", "constant-expression", "new-line", optional("group")},
+ {"#", "ifdef", "identifier", "new-line", optional("group")},
+ {"#", "ifndef", "identifier", "new-line", optional("group")},
+ } },
+ { "elif-groups", {
+ {"elif-group"},
+ {"elif-groups", "elif-group"},
+ } },
+ { "elif-group", {
+ {"#", "elif", "constant-expression", "new-line", optional("group")},
+ } },
+ { "else-group", {
+ {"#", "else", "new-line", optional("group")},
+ } },
+ { "endif-line", {
+ {"#", "endif", "new-line"},
+ } },
+ { "text-line", {
+ {optional("pp-tokens"), "new-line"},
+ } },
+ { "conditionally-supported-directive", {
+ {"pp-tokens", "new-line"},
+ } },
+ { "lparen", {
+ {"("}, // TODO: NOT immediately preceded by white-space!
+ } },
+ { "identifier-list", {
+ {"identifier"},
+ {"identifier-list", "identifier"},
+ } },
+ { "replacement-list", {
+ {optional("pp-tokens")},
+ } },
+ { "pp-tokens", {
+ {"preprocessing-token"},
+ {"pp-tokens", "preprocessing-token"},
+ } },
+ { "new-line", {
+ {"\n"},
+ } },
+ { "defined-macro-expression", {
+ {"defined", "identifier"},
+ {"defined", "(", "identifier", ")"},
+ } },
+ { "h-preprocessing-token", {
+ {"preprocessing-token"}, // TODO: except ">"
+ } },
+ { "h-pp-tokens", {
+ {"h-preprocessing-token"},
+ {"h-pp-tokens", "h-preprocessing-token"},
+ } },
+ { "header-name-tokens", {
+ {"string-literal"},
+ {"<", "h-pp-tokens", ">"},
+ } },
+ { "has-include-expression", {
+ {"__has_include", "(", "header-name", ")"},
+ {"__has_include", "(", "header-name-tokens", ")"},
+ } },
+ { "has-attribute-expression", {
+ {"__has_cpp_attribute", "(", "pp-tokens", ")"},
+ } },
+ { "pp-import", {
+ {optional("export"), "import", "header-name", optional("pp-tokens"), ";", "new-line"},
+ {optional("export"), "import", "header-name-tokens", optional("pp-tokens"), ";", "new-line"},
+ {optional("export"), "import", "pp-tokens", ";", "new-line"},
+ } },
+ { "pp-global-module-fragment", {
+ {"module", ";", "pp-balanced-token-seq", "module"},
+ } },
+ { "pp-balanced-token-seq", {
+ {"pp-balanced-token"},
+ {"pp-balanced-token-seq", "pp-balanced-token"},
+ } },
+ { "pp-balanced-token", {
+ {"pp-ldelim", optional("pp-balanced-token-seq"), "pp-rdelim"},
+ // TODO: + any preprocessing-token except pp-ldelim and pp-rdelim
+ } },
+ { "pp-ldelim", {
+ {"(", "[", "{", "<:", "<%"},
+ } },
+ { "pp-rdelim", {
+ {")", "]", "}", ":>", "%>"},
+ } },
+ { "va-opt-replacement", {
+ {"__VA_OPT__", "(", optional("pp-tokens"), ")"},
+ } },
+ };
+ return normalizeBNF(bnf);
+TEST(Lex, Test2) {
+ auto bnf = GetCppBNFLex();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(valid(bnf));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(validLex(bnf));
+TEST(Gram, Test3) {
+ auto bnf = GetCppBNFGram();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(valid(bnf));