diff options
authorRoland Reichwein <>2020-03-26 14:50:20 +0100
committerRoland Reichwein <>2020-03-26 14:50:20 +0100
commit94b1f232ea51767fc30c9ed6b3e5912d776bda30 (patch)
parent0e1d2ab5ca0f0fde5d2dd83b95230a8d93b58e7b (diff)
Remove old bottom-up algorithm
2 files changed, 3 insertions, 363 deletions
diff --git a/grammer.cpp b/grammer.cpp
index 4bcdd4d..97930b1 100644
--- a/grammer.cpp
+++ b/grammer.cpp
@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ void Compiler::clear()
root_node_id = 0;
- tokens_used = 0;
std::string Compiler::GetTypeOfNode(index_t node_id) const
@@ -115,9 +113,6 @@ void Compiler::DumpTree()
for (int i = 0; i < child_ids.size(); i++) {
todo.insert(todo.begin() + i, std::pair<int32_t, size_t>{child_ids[i], indent + 1});
- if (node.alternatives.size()) {
- line += ", "s + std::to_string(node.alternatives.size()) + " alternatives available"s;
- }
@@ -125,302 +120,9 @@ void Compiler::DumpTree()
-bool Compiler::AllTokensUsed() const
- return tokens_used == tokens.size();
bool Compiler::treeIsComplete() const
- return nodes.size() > 0 && rootIsStartSymbol() && AllTokensUsed();
-std::vector<std::string>& Compiler::getNodeExpectedChilds(index_t node_id)
- std::string& type = nodes[node_id].type;
- index_t& variant = nodes[node_id].variant;
- return bnf[type][variant];
-// returns true if all childs are filled, recursively. Else false with to_fill as hint to node to fill
-bool Compiler::subTreeIsComplete(index_t node_id, index_t& to_fill)
- // recurse first to get first subtree to_fill
- for (const auto& i : nodes[node_id].child_ids) {
- if (!ChildIdIsToken(i)) { // consider subtrees
- if (!subTreeIsComplete(i, to_fill))
- return false; // found incomplete subtree -> return it!
- }
- }
- if (nodes[node_id].child_ids.size() < getNodeExpectedChilds(node_id).size()) {
- to_fill = node_id;
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-size_t Compiler::CommonPrefix(const std::vector<Token>& tokens, const std::vector<std::string>& types)
- auto [tokens_it, types_it] = std::mismatch(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), types.begin(), types.end(), [](const Token& token, const std::string& s){ return token.type == s; });
- return types_it - types.begin(); // a distance, 0 on no match
-void Compiler::AddFirstNode()
- root_node_id = 0;
- const std::string& child_type = tokens[0].type;
- auto it = reversedFirst.find(child_type);
- if (it == reversedFirst.end())
- throw std::runtime_error("Illegal first token: "s + child_type + " ("s + tokens[0].value + ")"s);
- std::set<std::string>& alternatives_set {it->second};
- std::string node_type;
- index_t node_variant;
- std::deque<std::pair<std::string, index_t>> alternatives; // only for valid elements from alternatives_set
- std::vector<int32_t> child_ids;
- for (const auto& type : alternatives_set) {
- const auto& variants{bnf[type]};
- for (int i = 0; i < variants.size(); i++) {
- const std::vector<std::string> & variant{variants[i]};
- size_t common{};
- if ((common = CommonPrefix(tokens, variant)) > 0) { // match a common prefix
- if (node_type == "") { // no match yet
- node_type = type;
- node_variant = i;
- for (int token_id = 0; token_id < common; token_id++)
- child_ids.push_back(ChildIdFromTokenId(token_id));
- } else
- alternatives.emplace_back(type, i);
- }
- }
- }
- if (node_type == "") // no matching type found
- throw std::runtime_error("Syntax error on first token: "s + child_type + " ("s + tokens[0].value + ")"s);
- nodes.emplace_back(TreeNode{0, 0, node_type, node_variant, alternatives, child_ids});
- tokens_used = child_ids.size();
-bool Compiler::AddRootNode()
- if (nodes.size() == 0) {
- AddFirstNode();
- } else {
- const std::string& child_type = nodes[root_node_id].type; // starting at old root
- auto it = reversedFirst.find(child_type);
- if (it == reversedFirst.end()) // this one doesn't have a parent, maybe a start symbol to discard?
- return false;
- index_t old_root_node_id {root_node_id};
- index_t new_root_node_id {nodes.size()};
- std::set<std::string>& alternatives_set {it->second};
- std::string node_type;
- index_t node_variant;
- std::deque<std::pair<std::string, index_t>> alternatives; // only for valid elements from alternatives_set
- std::vector<int32_t> child_ids{static_cast<int>(old_root_node_id)};
- for (const auto& type : alternatives_set) {
- const auto& variants{bnf[type]};
- for (int i = 0; i < variants.size(); i++) {
- const std::vector<std::string> & variant{variants[i]};
- if (variant.size() == 0)
- continue; // TODO: Handle case of empty rule (see e.g. C++ "attribute-list")
- if (child_type == variant[0]) {
- if (node_type == "") {
- node_type = type;
- node_variant = i;
- } else
- alternatives.emplace_back(type, i); // duplicates possible: variants of same type
- }
- }
- }
- if (node_type == "") // no matching type found (maybe backtrack possible?)
- return false;
- // now add!
- Debug("AddRootNode(): Adding "s + node_type);
- nodes[old_root_node_id].parent_node_id = new_root_node_id;
- root_node_id = new_root_node_id;
- nodes.emplace_back(TreeNode{root_node_id, root_node_id, node_type, node_variant, alternatives, child_ids});
- // keep tokens_used as is
- }
- DumpTree();
- return true;
-void Compiler::removeTokensUpTo(index_t token_id)
- removeTokensUpTo(token_id, root_node_id);
-// operate on node_id
-void Compiler::removeTokensUpTo(index_t token_id, index_t node_id)
- // token_id should be the new tokens_used
- if (token_id < tokens_used) {
- auto& node{nodes[node_id]};
- auto& child_ids {node.child_ids};
- // remove relevant tokens from end
- while (token_id < tokens_used && child_ids.size() && ChildIdIsToken(child_ids.back()) && TokenIdFromChildId(child_ids.back()) >= token_id) {
- Debug("Removing token "s + std::to_string(TokenIdFromChildId(child_ids.back())));
- child_ids.pop_back();
- if (tokens_used > 0)
- tokens_used--;
- else
- throw std::runtime_error("ICE: Removing non-existing token at "s + std::to_string(node_id) + " ("s + node.type + ")"s);
- }
- // recurse from back, to remove tokens from end
- for (int i = child_ids.size() - 1; token_id < tokens_used && i >= 0; i--) {
- if (!ChildIdIsToken(child_ids[i])) {
- removeTokensUpTo(token_id, child_ids[i]);
- }
- }
- }
-// Go back one step: Remove Node or Token
-void Compiler::RemoveLastNode()
- TreeNode& node {nodes.back()};
- index_t node_id = node.node_id;
- if (node_id == root_node_id) { // No parent -> remove root
- if (node.child_ids.empty()) { // No children -> now tree is empty
- clear();
- } else if (ChildIdIsToken(node.child_ids.back())) { // last token child: remove
- removeTokensUpTo(TokenIdFromChildId(node.child_ids.back()));
- } else if (node.child_ids.size() == 1) { // One child: removing possible
- if (!ChildIdIsToken(node.child_ids[0])) {
- // node: set new root
- nodes[node.child_ids[0]].parent_node_id = node.child_ids[0];
- root_node_id = node.child_ids[0];
- }
- Debug("Removing root node "s + nodes.back().type + "("s + std::to_string(nodes.back().node_id) + ")"s);
- nodes.pop_back();
- } else {
- DumpTree();
- throw std::runtime_error("ICE: Backtrack not possible: Root not empty");
- }
- } else if (node.child_ids.empty()) { // No children -> remove leaf
- // We have a parent, otherwise we would have taken previous branch
- TreeNode& parent {nodes[node.parent_node_id]};
- if (parent.child_ids.empty() || parent.child_ids.back() != node_id)
- throw std::runtime_error("ICE: Backtrack: Bad child nodes");
- parent.child_ids.pop_back();
- Debug("Removing "s + nodes.back().type + "("s + std::to_string(nodes.back().node_id) + ")"s);
- nodes.pop_back();
- } else if (ChildIdIsToken(node.child_ids.back())) {
- removeTokensUpTo(TokenIdFromChildId(node.child_ids.back()));
- } else { // In the middle
- throw std::runtime_error("ICE: Backtrack in the middle of the tree: "s + std::to_string(node_id) + " ("s + node.type + ")"s);
- }
- DumpTree();
-// Change type of last node according to alternatives
-void Compiler::ChangeNodeType()
- TreeNode& node {nodes.back()};
- if (node.alternatives.empty())
- throw std::runtime_error("ICE: No alternatives found during Backtrack");
- auto& [type, variant] {node.alternatives.front()};
- node.type = type;
- node.variant = variant;
- node.alternatives.pop_front();
-// throws if no further track back is possible: compile error
-void Compiler::TrackBack()
- // Search backwards for alternatives: last node with alternatives (variant or alt. token)
- while (!nodes.empty() && nodes.back().alternatives.empty()) {
- RemoveLastNode();
- }
- if (nodes.empty()) {
- throw std::runtime_error("Compile error: Invalid program.");
- }
- ChangeNodeType();
-// GetPath() + traverse(): return shortest path with variants
-// via first-entry-in-bnf-rule
-// excluding lower (already exists)
-// including upper (already determined to be included)
-// breadth-first search
-// return: node, child
-std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> Compiler::traverse(const std::string& lower, const std::string& upper)
- std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> visited; // node, child
- std::deque<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> todo{{lower, ""}}; // node, child
- while (!todo.empty()) {
- auto [current_node, current_child] = todo.front();
- std::string& current_node2{current_node}; // workaround for lambda capture below (clang 8)
- todo.pop_front();
- auto it {visited.find(current_node)};
- if (it == visited.end()) { // not visited, yet: visit now
- auto parents_it {reversedFirst.find(current_node)};
- if (parents_it != reversedFirst.end()) {
- auto& parents {parents_it->second};
- visited[current_node] = current_child;
- std::for_each(parents.begin(), parents.end(), [&](const auto&x) {
- todo.push_back({x, current_node2});
- });
- }
- }
- }
- return visited;
-// returns list from upper (including) to lower (excluding)
-// returns empty list on fail
-std::vector<std::string> Compiler::GetPath(std::string upper, std::string lower)
- std::vector<std::string> result;
- // traverse bnf from lower to upper
- std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> visited {traverse(lower, upper)};
- auto current {upper};
- while (current != lower) {
- auto it {visited.find(current)};
- if (it != visited.end()) {
- auto& child{it->second};
- result.push_back(current);
- current = child;
- } else {
- return {};
- }
- }
- return result;
+ return nodes.size() > 0 && rootIsStartSymbol();
index_t Compiler::AddNode(const std::string& child_type, index_t parent_index)
@@ -443,8 +145,8 @@ index_t Compiler::AddNode(const std::string& child_type, index_t parent_index)
- nodes.emplace_back(TreeNode{parent_index, index, child_type, variant, alternatives, std::vector<int32_t>{}});
- //root stays, tokens_used stays
+ nodes.emplace_back(TreeNode{parent_index, index, child_type, variant, std::vector<int32_t>{}});
+ //root stays
Debug("AddNode(): "s + nodes[parent_index].type + "->"s + child_type + ": "s + std::to_string(index));
@@ -452,49 +154,6 @@ index_t Compiler::AddNode(const std::string& child_type, index_t parent_index)
return index;
-void Compiler::AddPath(const std::vector<std::string>& path, index_t current_index)
- for (const std::string& child_type: path) {
- current_index = AddNode(child_type, current_index);
- }
- nodes.back().child_ids.emplace_back(ChildIdFromTokenId(tokens_used));
- tokens_used++;
- Debug("AddPath(): token "s + tokens.back().type);
- DumpTree();
-bool Compiler::FillTree()
- if (nodes.size() == 0) // ignore empty tree, successfully
- return true;
- index_t to_fill{};
- while (!subTreeIsComplete(root_node_id, to_fill)) {
- if (tokens_used >= tokens.size())
- return false; // Unexpected end of program?
- auto& node {nodes[to_fill]};
- std::string next_child {bnf[node.type][node.variant][node.child_ids.size()]};
- if (next_child == tokens[tokens_used].type) { // add token directly
- node.child_ids.push_back(ChildIdFromTokenId(tokens_used));
- tokens_used++;
- Debug("tokens_used++: "s + std::to_string(tokens_used));
- DumpTree();
- } else { // add inner nodes
- auto list = GetPath(next_child, tokens[tokens_used].type);
- if (list.size() > 0) {
- AddPath(list, to_fill);
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
size_t Compiler::minimumSymbolsNeeded(std::string symbol)
if (isTerminal(bnf, symbol)) {
diff --git a/grammer.h b/grammer.h
index e5c2f11..d70f675 100644
--- a/grammer.h
+++ b/grammer.h
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ struct TreeNode {
std::string type;
index_t variant; // bnf[type][variant]
- std::deque<std::pair<std::string, index_t>> alternatives; // [type][value] alternatives that we can consider on fail. Discard after parsing!
std::vector<int32_t> child_ids; // < 0: terminal: token_id; >= 0: non-terminal: node_id; fill token by token
@@ -34,9 +33,6 @@ private:
// Input
std::vector<Token> tokens;
- // Helper data
- index_t tokens_used{0}; // number of tokens used, this is also the next token index to use
BNF &bnf; // not const for access via operator[]
const std::string m_top;
@@ -50,24 +46,9 @@ private:
std::string GetTypeOfNode(index_t node_id) const;
bool IsRootNode(index_t node_id) const;
bool rootIsStartSymbol() const;
- bool AllTokensUsed() const;
bool treeIsComplete() const;
- std::vector<std::string>& getNodeExpectedChilds(index_t node_id);
- bool subTreeIsComplete(index_t node_id, index_t& to_fill);
- size_t CommonPrefix(const std::vector<Token>& tokens, const std::vector<std::string>& types);
- void AddFirstNode();
- bool AddRootNode();
- void removeTokensUpTo(index_t token_id);
- void removeTokensUpTo(index_t token_id, index_t node_id);
- void RemoveLastNode();
- void ChangeNodeType();
- void TrackBack();
void Validate() const;
- std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> traverse(const std::string& lower, const std::string& upper);
- std::vector<std::string> GetPath(std::string upper, std::string lower);
index_t AddNode(const std::string& child_type, index_t parent_index);
- void AddPath(const std::vector<std::string>& path, index_t current_index);
- bool FillTree();
// top-down algorithm
std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t> m_min; // cache