diff options
authorRoland Reichwein <>2023-02-11 11:24:22 +0100
committerRoland Reichwein <>2023-02-11 11:24:22 +0100
commit4c4a001cacd9c3e1c2552dbcaf50165091a82ac1 (patch)
Separated out weblog from webserver
-rw-r--r--html/favicon.icobin0 -> 2238 bytes
7 files changed, 738 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e19495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+include ../../
+CXXFLAGS+= -fvisibility=hidden -fPIC
+CXXFLAGS+= -I../..
+-lreichwein \
+-lboost_context \
+-lboost_coroutine \
+-lboost_program_options \
+-lboost_system \
+-lboost_thread \
+-lboost_filesystem \
+-lboost_regex \
+-lpthread \
+-lssl -lcrypto \
+ weblog.cpp
+all: $(PROJECTNAME).so
+$(PROJECTNAME).so: $(SRC:.cpp=.o)
+ $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -shared $(LDLIBS) $(LIBS) -o $@
+%.d: %.cpp
+ $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -MM -MP -MF $@ -c $<
+%.o: %.cpp %.d
+ $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
+# dependencies
+ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib/webserver/plugins
+ cp $(PROJECTNAME).so $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib/webserver/plugins
+# misc ---------------------------------------------------
+ -rm -f *.o *.so *.d
+.PHONY: clean install all
+-include $(wildcard $(SRC:.cpp=.d))
diff --git a/html/blog.css b/html/blog.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5277980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/blog.css
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+body {
+ font-family: "sans-serif";
+figcaption {
+ text-align: center;
+ font-size: 8px;
+ color: #808080;
+figure {
+ display: inline-block;
+h2 {
+ margin: 25px 0px 3px 0px;
+ {
+ font-size: 8px;
+ color: #808080;
+ margin: 0px 0px 10px 0px;
+div.impressum {
+ margin: 500px 0px 0px 0px;
+.citation {
+ font-style:italic;
+ margin-left: 50px;
+ margin-right: 50px;
+.reference {
+ text-align: right;
+ margin-bottom: 30px;
+ {
+ width: 300px;
+ border-width: 80px 15px 80px 15px;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-radius: 30px;
+ border-color: #000000;
+.logo {
+ display: block;
+ margin: 0 auto;
+.screenshot {
+ width: 400px;
+ border: 2px solid;
+ border-color: #8888AA;
+img.banner {
+ vertical-align: -5px;
+@media only screen and (min-width: 1px) and (max-width: 630px) {
+@media only screen and (min-width: 631px) and (max-width: 950px) {
+@media only screen and (min-width: 951px) {
+ {
+ max-width: 950px;
+ width: 100%;
+ margin: 0 auto;
+ }
diff --git a/html/favicon.ico b/html/favicon.ico
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8cbddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/favicon.ico
Binary files differ
diff --git a/procmail/ b/procmail/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..134d957
--- /dev/null
+++ b/procmail/
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# Mail Blog input script, to be called by procmail
+set -e
+function atexit {
+ if [ "$ERRORMSG" != "" -o -s errormsg.txt ] ; then
+ (echo "$ERRORMSG" ; cat errormsg.txt) | mutt -s "bloginput: Error" -- "$ADDR" >> ~/log 2>&1
+ fi
+ cd
+ rm -rf "$DIR"
+trap atexit EXIT
+function mimedecode() {
+ perl -ne 'require MIME::Head; $head = MIME::Head->read(\*STDIN); $head->decode(); print $head->get("Subject")'
+function next_index() {
+ DIR=$1
+ LASTENTRY=`ls -1dr $DIR/$(date +%Y)/$(date +%Y%m%d)* 2>/dev/null | xargs -n 1 basename | head -n1`
+ if [ "$LASTENTRY" == "" ] ; then
+ echo 001
+ return
+ fi
+ INDEX=$(($INDEX + 1))
+ while [ "$((${#INDEX} < 3))" == "1" ] ; do INDEX=0$INDEX ; done
+ echo $INDEX
+echo "Log at `date`:" >> ~/log 2>&1
+# Default: Error
+ERRORMSG="General error."
+DIR=`mktemp -d`
+cd "$DIR"
+touch body.txt
+touch errormsg.txt
+cat > inmail
+ADDR=`grep "^From: " inmail | sed -e 's/^From: //'`
+if echo "$ADDR" | grep -q -v "^[a-zA-Z0-9@._-<>\" ]\+$" ; then
+ # can't send error message to unknown requester
+ exit 1
+if echo "$ADDR" | grep -q "weblog-bloginput" ; then
+ # don't reply to mails from weblog-bloginput, i.e. prevent mail loops
+ exit 1
+ALLLINES=`wc -l inmail | cut -f1 -d" "`
+HEADERLINES=`cat inmail | (n=0; while read i ; do
+ if [ "$i" == "" ] ; then
+ echo $n
+ break
+ fi
+ n=$(($n + 1))
+HEADER=`head -n$HEADERLINES inmail`
+BODY=`tail -n$(($ALLLINES - $HEADERLINES - 1)) inmail`
+echo "$HEADER" > /home/weblog-bloginput/header.txt
+echo "$BODY" > /home/weblog-bloginput/body.txt
+SUBJECT=`echo "$HEADER" | mimedecode`
+SUBJECT_PATH=`echo "$SUBJECT" | sed -e 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/_/g'`
+mkdir -p $ARTICLEDIR
+echo "Subject: $SUBJECT" >> $ARTICLEDIR/
+echo "" >> $ARTICLEDIR/
+# get attachments
+munpack -C $ARTICLEDIR `pwd`/inmail >/dev/null || true
+DATANAME="`ls $ARTICLEDIR/*.desc || true`" 2>/dev/null
+if [ "$DATANAME" = "" ] ; then
+ echo "$BODY" >> $ARTICLEDIR/
+ rm "$DATANAME"
+chmod -R a+r $ARTICLEDIR
+chmod a+x $ARTICLEDIR
+echo "Processed successfully."
+) | mutt -s "Bloginput: $SUBJECT_PATH" -- "$ADDR" >> ~/log 2>&1
+echo "User log:" >> ~/log
+cat body.txt >> ~/log
+echo "Done successfully at `date`." >> ~/log 2>&1
diff --git a/procmail/procmailrc b/procmail/procmailrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa1fe6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/procmail/procmailrc
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+* ^X-Virus-Infected
+# TODO: can be /dev/null later
+* ^X-Spam-Flag: YES
+# TODO: can be /dev/null later
+:0 fhbw
+| /home/weblog-bloginput/
diff --git a/weblog.cpp b/weblog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc2be34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/weblog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+#include "weblog.h"
+#include "libreichwein/mime.h"
+#include "libreichwein/stringhelper.h"
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
+#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
+#include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <filesystem>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <regex>
+#include <string>
+using namespace std::string_literals;
+namespace fs = std::filesystem;
+namespace pt = boost::property_tree;
+using namespace Reichwein::Mime;
+using namespace Reichwein::Stringhelper;
+namespace {
+ const size_t number_of_articles_on_front_page {10};
+ const std::string article_filename{""};
+ // Used to return errors by generating response page and HTTP status code
+ std::string HttpStatus(std::string status, std::string message, std::function<plugin_interface_setter_type>& SetResponseHeader)
+ {
+ SetResponseHeader("status", status);
+ SetResponseHeader("content_type", "text/html");
+ return status + " " + message;
+ }
+ std::string getFile(const fs::path& filename)
+ {
+ std::ifstream file(filename.string(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);
+ if (file.is_open()) {
+ std::ifstream::pos_type fileSize = file.tellg();
+ file.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
+ std::string bytes(fileSize, ' ');
+<char*>(, fileSize);
+ return bytes;
+ } else {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Opening "s + filename.string() + " for reading");
+ }
+ }
+ bool is_index_page(std::string& rel_target)
+ {
+ return (rel_target.size() == 0 || rel_target == "/");
+ }
+ bool is_index_file(std::string& rel_target, fs::path& path)
+ {
+ // must be top-level file, recognized as mime_type()
+ return rel_target.find("/") == rel_target.npos && mime_type(path.string()) != "application/text";
+ }
+ bool is_article_page(std::string& rel_target, fs::path& path)
+ {
+ return (rel_target.size() >= 2 && rel_target.back() == '/' && fs::is_directory(path));
+ }
+ bool is_article_file(std::string& rel_target, fs::path& path)
+ {
+ return (fs::is_regular_file(path) && path.filename().string() != article_filename);
+ }
+ struct ArticleInfo
+ {
+ fs::path path;
+ std::string subject;
+ std::string date;
+ };
+ // get article metadata from header lines
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> getMetaData(fs::path path)
+ {
+ if (path.string().size() > 0 && path.string().back() == '/') {
+ std::string s {path.string()};
+ path = s.substr(0, s.size() - 1);
+ }
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> result;
+ std::string pathname{path.filename().string()};
+ // ISO date
+ std::string date{pathname.substr(0, 4) + "-"s + pathname.substr(4, 2) + "-"s + pathname.substr(6, 2)};
+ result["Date"] = date;
+ fs::path filepath {path / article_filename};
+ std::ifstream file(filepath.string(), std::ios::in);
+ if (file.is_open()) {
+ std::string line;
+ while (!file.eof()) {
+ std::getline(file, line);
+ if (line.empty()) // found header end
+ break;
+ size_t pos {line.find(": ")};
+ if (pos == line.npos) {
+ std::cerr << "Warning: Found bad header line in " << filepath << ": " << line << std::endl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ result[line.substr(0, pos)] = line.substr(pos + 2);
+ }
+ return result;
+ } else {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Opening "s + filepath.string() + " for reading");
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<ArticleInfo> getArticleList(fs::path& path, size_t page)
+ {
+ std::vector<ArticleInfo> result;
+ for (auto& year_entry: fs::directory_iterator(path)) {
+ std::string year_entry_filename{year_entry.path().filename().string()};
+ if (fs::is_directory(year_entry)) {
+ for (auto& entry: fs::directory_iterator(year_entry.path())) {
+ auto metaData{getMetaData(entry.path())};
+ result.emplace_back(ArticleInfo{entry.path(),"Subject"),"Date")});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ size_t index0{std::min(number_of_articles_on_front_page * (page), result.size())};
+ size_t index1{std::min(number_of_articles_on_front_page * (page + 1), result.size())};
+ // sort backwards
+ std::partial_sort(result.begin(), result.begin() + index1, result.end(), [](const ArticleInfo& a0, const ArticleInfo& a1){ return a0.path.string() > a1.path.string();});
+ return {result.begin() + index0, result.begin() + index1};
+ }
+ std::string plainTextFromPTree(const pt::ptree& tree)
+ {
+ std::string result;
+ for (auto child: tree) {
+ if (child.first == "<xmltext>")
+ result +=;
+ else
+ result += plainTextFromPTree(child.second);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ // returns plain text of string (html xml elements removed)
+ std::string plainTextFromHTML(const std::string& text)
+ {
+ pt::ptree tree;
+ std::istringstream ss{text};
+ pt::read_xml(ss, tree, pt::xml_parser::no_comments | pt::xml_parser::no_concat_text);
+ return plainTextFromPTree(tree);
+ }
+ std::string verbatimText(std::string text)
+ {
+ boost::algorithm::replace_all(text, "<", "&lt;");
+ boost::algorithm::replace_all(text, ">", "&gt;");
+ return "<pre>"s + text + "</pre>";
+ }
+ std::regex re{"\\.[[:space:]\"]", std::regex::basic};
+ // returns teaser of article in plain text
+ std::string shortVersion(const fs::path& path)
+ {
+ std::string article {getFile(path / article_filename)};
+ size_t pos0 {article.find("\n\n")};
+ if (pos0 == article.npos)
+ return "";
+ article = "<file>" + article.substr(pos0 + 2) + "</file>";
+ auto metaData{getMetaData(path)};
+ auto it {metaData.find("Content-Type")};
+ // convert html to plaintext, if tagged as such
+ // default: text/html
+ if (it == metaData.end() || it->second == "text/html")
+ article = plainTextFromHTML(article);
+ size_t pos{1000};
+ std::smatch match;
+ if (std::regex_search(article, match, re)) {
+ pos = std::min(pos, static_cast<size_t>(match.position() + match.length()));
+ }
+ return article.substr(0, pos);
+ }
+ class HtmlPage
+ {
+ std::function<std::string(const std::string& key)>& mGetRequestParam;
+ std::string mContents;
+ std::string mHeader;
+ const std::string mFooter;
+ public:
+ HtmlPage(std::function<std::string(const std::string& key)>& GetRequestParam,
+ std::string s = ""s)
+ : mGetRequestParam(GetRequestParam)
+ , mContents(s)
+ , mHeader("<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>"
+ "<meta charset=\"utf-8\"/>"
+ "<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1\">"
+ "<title>" + GetRequestParam("WEBLOG_NAME") + "</title>"
+ "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"" + GetRequestParam("WEBLOG_KEYWORDS") + "\"/>"
+ "<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"" + mGetRequestParam("plugin_path") + "/favicon.ico\" type=\"image/x-icon\"/>"
+ "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" + mGetRequestParam("plugin_path") + "/blog.css\"/>"
+ "</head><body><div class=\"page\">")
+ , mFooter("<br/><br/><br/><div class=\"impressum\"><a href=\"" + mGetRequestParam("plugin_path") + "/impressum.html\">Impressum, Datenschutzerklärung</a></div></div></body></html>")
+ {
+ }
+ HtmlPage& operator+=(const std::string& s)
+ {
+ mContents += s;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ operator std::string() const
+ {
+ return mHeader + mContents + mFooter;
+ }
+ };
+ std::string generateIndexPage(fs::path& path,
+ std::function<std::string(const std::string& key)>& GetRequestParam,
+ std::function<plugin_interface_setter_type>& SetResponseHeader,
+ size_t page)
+ {
+ try {
+ if (page > std::numeric_limits<int>::max())
+ throw std::runtime_error("Bad page index: "s + std::to_string(page));
+ HtmlPage htmlPage{GetRequestParam, "<h1>"s + GetRequestParam("WEBLOG_NAME") + "</h1>"s};
+ fs::path link{ GetRequestParam("plugin_path")};
+ auto list{getArticleList(path, page)};
+ if (list.empty())
+ htmlPage += "(no articles found.)";
+ else {
+ for (const auto& article: list) {
+ std::string linkstart{"<a href=\"" + (link / article.path.filename()).string() + "/\">"};
+ std::string linkend{"</a>"};
+ htmlPage += "<h2>"s + linkstart + article.subject + linkend + "</h2>"s;
+ htmlPage += "<div class=\"date\">" + + "</div>"s;
+ auto sv{shortVersion(article.path)};
+ if (sv.size()) {
+ htmlPage += sv + " "s + linkstart + "more..." + linkend;
+ }
+ }
+ htmlPage += "<br/><br/><br/>";
+ if (page > 0)
+ htmlPage += "<a href=\"?page="s + std::to_string(page - 1) + "\">&lt;&lt;newer</a> "s;
+ htmlPage += "page "s + std::to_string(page + 1);
+ if (list.size() == number_of_articles_on_front_page)
+ htmlPage += " <a href=\"?page="s + std::to_string(page + 1) + "\">older&gt;&gt;</a>"s;
+ htmlPage += "<br/>";
+ }
+ SetResponseHeader("cache_control", "no-store");
+ return htmlPage;
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ return HttpStatus("500", "Reading Index page: "s + ex.what(), SetResponseHeader);
+ }
+ }
+ std::string generateArticlePage(fs::path& path,
+ std::function<std::string(const std::string& key)>& GetRequestParam,
+ std::function<plugin_interface_setter_type>& SetResponseHeader)
+ {
+ try {
+ auto metaData{getMetaData(path)};
+ std::string data { getFile(path / article_filename)};
+ size_t pos {data.find("\n\n")};
+ if (pos == data.npos)
+ throw std::runtime_error("Error parsing article");
+ data = data.substr(pos + 2);
+ auto it {metaData.find("Content-Type")};
+ if (it != metaData.end() && it->second == "text/plain")
+ data = verbatimText(data);
+ HtmlPage htmlPage{GetRequestParam, "<h1>"s +"Subject") + "</h1>"
+ "<div class=\"date\">" +"Date") + "</div>"
+ "<br/><br/>"s + data + "<br/>&squ;"};
+ return htmlPage;
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ return HttpStatus("500", "Reading Article: "s + ex.what(), SetResponseHeader);
+ }
+ }
+ std::string generateStaticFile(fs::path& path, std::function<plugin_interface_setter_type>& SetResponseHeader)
+ {
+ try {
+ SetResponseHeader("content_type", mime_type(path.string()));
+ return getFile(path);
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ return HttpStatus("500", "Reading Article file: "s + ex.what(), SetResponseHeader);
+ }
+ }
+ std::string urlDecode(std::string s)
+ {
+ std::string result;
+ size_t pos = 0;
+ while (pos < s.size()) {
+ char c {s[pos]};
+ if (c == '+') {
+ result += ' ';
+ } else if (c == '%' && pos + 2 < s.size()) {
+ try {
+ int i = stoi(s.substr(pos + 1, 2), 0, 16);
+ if (i < 0 || i > 255)
+ return result;
+ result += static_cast<char>(i);
+ } catch (...) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ pos += 2;
+ } else {
+ result += c;
+ }
+ pos++;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> SplitQueryString(std::string& s)
+ {
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> result;
+ size_t qpos = s.find('?');
+ if (qpos != s.npos) {
+ auto list {split(s.substr(qpos + 1), "&")};
+ for (auto i: list) {
+ size_t apos = i.find('=');
+ if (apos != i.npos) {
+ result[urlDecode(i.substr(0, apos))] = urlDecode(i.substr(apos + 1));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ s = s.substr(0, qpos);
+ return result;
+ }
+} // anonymous namespace
+std::string weblog_plugin::name()
+ return "weblog";
+ //std::cout << "Plugin constructor" << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "Plugin destructor" << std::endl;
+std::string weblog_plugin::generate_page(
+ std::function<std::string(const std::string& key)>& GetServerParam,
+ std::function<std::string(const std::string& key)>& GetRequestParam, // request including body (POST...)
+ std::function<void(const std::string& key, const std::string& value)>& SetResponseHeader // to be added to result string
+ try {
+ // Make sure we can handle the method
+ std::string method {GetRequestParam("method")};
+ if (method != "GET" && method != "HEAD")
+ return HttpStatus("400", "Unknown HTTP method", SetResponseHeader);
+ // Request path must not contain "..".
+ std::string rel_target{GetRequestParam("rel_target")};
+ std::string target{GetRequestParam("target")};
+ if (rel_target.find("..") != std::string::npos) {
+ return HttpStatus("400", "Illegal request: "s + target, SetResponseHeader);
+ }
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> query { SplitQueryString(rel_target) };
+ // Build the path to the requested file
+ std::string doc_root{GetRequestParam("doc_root")};
+ if (rel_target.size() >= 4 && std::all_of(rel_target.begin(), rel_target.begin() + 4, isdigit)) {
+ rel_target = rel_target.substr(0, 4) + "/" + rel_target;
+ }
+ fs::path path {fs::path{doc_root} / rel_target};
+ if (target.size() && target.back() != '/' && fs::is_directory(path)) {
+ std::string location{GetRequestParam("location") + "/"s};
+ SetResponseHeader("location", location);
+ return HttpStatus("301", "Correcting directory path", SetResponseHeader);
+ }
+ SetResponseHeader("content_type", "text/html");
+ size_t page {0};
+ auto it {query.find("page")};
+ if (it != query.end()) {
+ try {
+ page = stoul(it->second);
+ } catch(...) {
+ // ignore: keep default 0
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_index_page(rel_target))
+ return generateIndexPage(path, GetRequestParam, SetResponseHeader, page);
+ if (is_article_page(rel_target, path))
+ return generateArticlePage(path, GetRequestParam, SetResponseHeader);
+ if (is_index_file(rel_target, path) || is_article_file(rel_target, path))
+ return generateStaticFile(path, SetResponseHeader);
+ return HttpStatus("404", "Bad path specification: "s + rel_target, SetResponseHeader);
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ return HttpStatus("500", "Unknown Error: "s + ex.what(), SetResponseHeader);
+ }
+bool weblog_plugin::has_own_authentication()
+ return false;
diff --git a/weblog.h b/weblog.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0994b91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/weblog.h
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "../../plugin_interface.h"
+class weblog_plugin: public webserver_plugin_interface
+ weblog_plugin();
+ ~weblog_plugin();
+ std::string name() override;
+ std::string generate_page(
+ std::function<std::string(const std::string& key)>& GetServerParam,
+ std::function<std::string(const std::string& key)>& GetRequestParam, // request including body (POST...)
+ std::function<void(const std::string& key, const std::string& value)>& SetResponseHeader // to be added to result string
+ ) override;
+ bool has_own_authentication() override;
+extern "C" BOOST_SYMBOL_EXPORT weblog_plugin webserver_plugin;
+weblog_plugin webserver_plugin;